Dec 13, 2020

The Black Cat Blue Sea Award


So I saw this Award post at A Court of Coffee and Books and thought it looked like a fun post! Though it's been ages since I've done an actual "award" post, I thought why not do it anyway! Since you usually just thank the blogger who nominated you, I'm going to credit A Court of Coffee and Books since this is where I saw the post at! I also borrowed their image for the award post too!


  • Anybody nominated can nominate seven (lucky number) other bloggers. 

  • Anybody nominated answers three questions. 

  • The questions you ask while nominating can be any three questions.

  • If any of the questions asked are offending or the nominee simply does not want to answer them, the nominee does not have to answer them to earn the award.



  • What’s your top three most anticipated reads of 2021?

  • Which debut author was your favorite of 2020 and why?

  • What three t.v. shows are getting you through Quarantine?




What’s your top three most anticipated reads of 2021?


OBVIOUSLY #1 is: Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber!!! I mean seriously, when we roll in the New Year, can we just skip to September? It can be September 1st even! See...I'm patient! LOL!

Covet by Tracy Wolff & Small Favors by Erin A. Craig are my next picks! This of course is just from my working new release list!

Which debut author was your favorite of 2020 and why?


2020 was the year of the TBR for me for the most part! Shocking, I know! From the few--and it was a very few--debut authors I read, I'd say my favorite was Adalyn Grace's All the Stars and Teeth.



What three t.v. shows are getting you through Quarantine?


I'm working through quarantine and have been since it's started so I really haven't had time for TV shows. Heck even my DVR is still pretty full because I haven't had time for it! 


I just finished Supernatural before the Thanksgiving holiday, so there went my one show that was still airing.


I have been watching Tell Me a Story on the CW and it's pretty good!
I have a DVD of Hey Arnold episodes in my DVD player I also play on occasion! Lol!
I also recently finally got caught up on Lucifer! Not really liking this new season as much.



1. If you could receive only ONE ARC for the entire year of 2021, what ARC would it be?

2. Is there a 2021 debut you're already eyeing? What is it?

3. What will be the first book you read in 2021?




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Comments are an award all on their own! So my blog is an award free one! Thanks for any consideration though!