Jun 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday

Unfortunately no teaser today. By the time I finished my current read I ran out of time to start my next one to get a teaser picked by the time I sat down to write this post. Since I'm way late to reading it anyway, I figure everyone will pretty much have their favorite parts memorized! Lol.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top 10 (Possible) Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

*in no particular order
**books chosen somewhat randomly, no clue if I will get to them or not!

10. ROYAL BLOOD by Aimee Carter--should be my next read! Aimee is supposed to be attending Anderson's YA Lit event at the end of July, so as long as all goes well I'll finally get to meet her after all these years!
9. WHENEVER by Victoria Laurie--
a sequel to her 2015 YA book that I loved! This one has her characters as adults or you know the nearly 10 years later that it is, so I'm excited for it!
8. TRULY DEVIOUS by Maureen Johnson--
Maureen is set to visit my library in August and I am SO EXCITED! I was supposed to meet her at RT 2012 but she had to cancel her appearance so 12 years later and it's finally happening! So I figure I need to get reading on this series of hers soon! At least 1 or 2 books!



7. DIRTY LYING DRAGONS by Sabrina Blackburry--a randomly chosen book as I was staring at my nearest bookcase! But still excited for this one because DRAGONS!
6. DEMONS OF GOOD AND EVIL by Kim Harrison--
I never used to be behind on Kim's books but I somehow fell behind on my favorite series of hers. One of my OG series too! So I definitely need to get caught up, luckily the next one is out in fall now so I've got a little time still! Not much, but some! Lol.
5. DO YOUR WORST by Rosie Danan--
a randomly chosen title! I picked this up earlier this year with B2G1 sale at B&N as there were 2 books I really wanted so I had to find myself a third one and I think this was that third choice! It sounds cute and fun and paranormally so it should work! Lol.



4. MIDNIGHT AT THE HOUDINI by Delilah S. Dawson--another randomly chosen one but one I am still super excited to read! I love Delilah's books even though I am so behind on her more recent releases!
3. FOXGLOVE by Adalyn Grace--
I had so hoped she'd come to St. Louis this year, but alas, it was a no go. She is attending somewhere drivable, but it's a long drive...at night...and I always have to go solo so I decided to wait until next time.
2. COLD HEARTED by Serena Valentino--
her books always make my list even if I still stay constantly behind! Love this series though!



1. VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE by Isabel Canas--another randomly chosen one! But vampires is in the title so it has to be good! Lol.

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