I forgot what I was doing when this topic popped up into my head and I thought, that will make an interesting discussion post, so let's discuss!
Posting Times
Out of curiosity, do you schedule your blog posts for certain times every day? Or however frequently you post, do you post at the same time or do you change it up? I usually write my weekly memes in advance I just post those at midnight. Yes, it's late...or early, depending on your view. But I figure, I do a quick round of blog visits before I start my work day, so I figure, I'll throw my meme up at midnight just in case someone else visits early in the morning or before they go to bed after midnight. Lol.
Now when it comes to reviews or discussion posts, it kind of depends. Generally, I will likely have posts like these written in advance so I will schedule them for the next day or weekday around 9am. Why 9am? I don't know really. I figure if I wanted to throw in a review there later, 9am would be good because a review would likely go up around noon if at all.
I tend to write my book reviews as soon as I finish the book so all the details are still fresh in my head. Depending on what time of day it is, I will likely just post the review the next day at 9am. I guess because I thought 9am was a nice early time, but not super early. If you scan blog posts on your lunch, you'll likely see this in your feed. Again, it really depend on when one visits blogs.
Back in the heyday of blogging, I would post early just so it could be seen for the majority of the day. And it would get some hits, so I've just stuck to my old post times from way back when!
I recently finished a book late Friday after noon, maybe 2ish, so I decided to hold off on posting that review until Monday. For some reason, I've never really posted reviews on the weekend, unless I'm in a crunch to get a review up. I try to have at least 1 review up per week since my reading speed has changed and it can take longer to finish a book. I just have that need to have at least 1 review up per week, although it can get up to 2, maybe 3 if there was a holiday or I was just on a roll! Lol.
But basically I feel like I try to get all my newish posts up before noon. I rarely post after noon unless it's a certain kind of post. Like I just saw an amazing cover and had to share! Another thing I don't really do anymore, I used to post cover reveals all the time as soon as I found them because WOW! Lol. But yeah, I feel like it's safe to say that you will always find some kind of post up on my blog before noon. I try to keep it to a minimum of two posts per day as well, just so it's not overwhelming. I think I've even rescheduled a Monday review once when I was going to be MIA and my meme already went up too. I'm just weird that way! Lol.
So what about you? Do you keep to certain time tables for when you post? Do you post reviews at a certain time vs "other" kinds of posts? What's your methodology like?
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