May 21, 2024

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.


Wait for ittttttt...


"'The west wing is off limits to everyone.' Isabeau's voice took on a warning note; without moving a muscle she'd become...different. The unnatural stillness of her body, the calm hardness of her face, the fathomless look in her eyes screamed not human. 'The rules of Belle Morte are taken very seriously, and none more so than the west wing.' Her eyes landed on each of us in turn, burning like lasers. 'Any transgression of this rule will results in immediate termination of your contract.'

I rolled my eyes. What was up there--a red rose in  glass dome?" p 7





TITLE: Belle Morte
AUTHOR: Bella Higgin

PUBLISHER: Wattpad Books
GENRE: YA Paranormal
RELEASE DATE: April 5, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top Ten Authors I'd Love a New Book From



*in no particular order
**we can also label this one: things that make me cry! :(


10. JANET B. TAYLOR--I looooved her Into the Dim series, but sadly it was canceled when book 2 didn't meet publisher's expectations. I assume at least. That's what it always ends up being! I haven't heard from this author since 2017.
I mourn the loss of the Nightstruck series! Never has there been such a terrifying dystopian/horror style series before and never has one ever came close to topping it! Sadly, this series was canceled too after such an epic cliffhanger ending with book 2 in 2017. I followed Jenna on Instagram for the longest time, but then in the last 2 or maybe 3 years she stopped posting. I don't know if she just switched to a personal account or what, but I miss her.
the last series I read from her ended in 2015 and I long for another! Her books were your classic Urban Fantasy style and I loved them dearly!

7. ALICE REEDS--you might remember a little obsession I had in 2018 with her book Echoes! I thought it was such an amazing mind-bending thriller that was totally twisted! 2 years later we were blessed with a followup and I think that one ended well. Like you thought it was all over...but we thought that the first time too! So it could've gone either way, but alas, no other book ever came from her in the years to come. I follow her on Instagram still but it's mostly Stories and it doesn't really look like she's writing anymore either.
I still have I think 2 self-published books from Jaye. She was another of the UF founders I feel like. Or she was to me! I loved her Sabina Kane series and Prospero's War trilogy! They were good gritty UF novels! Sadly, she too seems to have put up the pen. She posts every now and then on Instagram, but I feel like she might be leaving it behind soon.
I loved loved loved her Body Finders series! It was SO good! The Taking was a lot of fun too! I know she's doing picture books these days, but I wish she'd write another YA novel!

4. C.C. HUNTER--it feels like ages since C.C. had a new book! I know I still need to read her YA series and the last adult trilogy she wrote but I used to always look forward to her books! Looks like the last book I have from her released in 2020 and I can't find anything beyond that.
I loved her mermaid trilogy! It wasn't TLM, but just mermaids and it was so much fun! Then she had a duology that had an Egyptian mythology theme to it that was amazing and that was the last I read from her which was 2017. Man that was not a good year for me!
I loved her Hush, Hush series! I am pretty sure that was my first one with fallen angels! Then she took on YA thrillers for two years which were also so very good! 2015 was the last book I read from her, which also kind of feels like a bad year now too when I look at it.

1. ALYSSA ROSE IVY--I feel like something may have happened to Alyssa. I used to be on her ARC team and I think the last time I heard from her was either in 2021 or 2022. I'm too afraid to email her to see if everything is okay. I don't know why either. It's just I used to hear from her maybe 2 or 3 times a year when she had a new release. What makes me more irritated with Goodreads is when they say certain books were published on this date and I'm like NO IT WASN'T! That book does not exist in the universe because the author didn't finish it or something! They have the last book of the trilogy I was reviewing saying it published in January of 2021 and I'm like NO IT DIDN'T! It's not out! There are no links to buy it anywhere! They did this with another indie author I was excited to read and that book never published yet Goodreads said it did! I've tried checking Alyssa's social media sites and FB is the only one that has a post from 2022 where Twitter still has 2021. So yeah, I'm not sure if something happened or if she just suddenly gave up on writing or not. I just feel weird trying to reach out now to see if everything is okay. I really do want another book from her! Her books were always so much fun! It was one reason why I kept my kindle!

May 20, 2024

My Name in Books


So I was wanting to do another fun book tag kind of post! I always enjoy doing those and then I thought, I'd like to see if I can spell my name using book titles. Unfortunately, since most of my collection is in storage I don't have access to 80% of my books (a total guess! But yes, the majority of my books are in storage). Basically just want to see if I have titles that start with the same letter as my name! Let's see what I can come up with!

Just Dreaming by Kerstin Gier

I figured J would be the hardest of the bunch! Lol. I was scrolling through my inventory sheet and it took me til book #1136 until I found one! Lol! Then I did a quick scroll to see if there were anymore and I think I just saw 2 more! Which I think I have all 3 here with my since they are all TBR books! Now it's just a matter of finding them! So maybe I'll have a corresponding post on Instagram too! I remember thinking that this series sounded like fun, as well as her first one which are both on my TBR pile. I know there were some translation issues but I am hoping it won't be too much of a deterrence!

Edgewood by Kristen Ciccarelli

Oddly, E wasn't so hard! Of course, I picked up where I left off on my inventory list and all the first titles I saw I knew were in storage! Lol. So it was a matter of scrolling some more until I hit a TBR one! I have quite a few of this author's books on my TBR! They all sound fanastic which is why they somehow keep getting added!

Sweet Nightmare by Tracy Wolff

Obviously not a TBR book as this one I just finished! Lol! Loved, loved loved it! S is surprisingly a very popular letter amongst my titles. I just had to find one that I knew was somewhere among my TBR books then I was like duh, I just finished a good one and I have it right here for a picture! Lol.

Saint by Adrienne Young

This time I thought, why not look at the one bookcase in my room for help! And sure enough I found a few S titles, really only two but I thought this one you can see the S better on the spine! I still need to read this series by Young! I ended up with all three when the author came for a visit after Saint came out, so there's why I have this one! I have the original duology as well that were Fairy Loot editions so I had to have a matching set there, was always miffed that they didn't do this one so it stands out when next to the others!

Immortality by Dana Schwartz

I's were not as hard as I thought they'd be! I knew of a few off the top of my head...mainly ones in storage of course! But then I saw this one on my bookcase and I thought perfect! I always tend to wait until I have completed duologies before starting them. I've always found it's better for my sanity that way!

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

No one is surprised by this, right? Lol! My Caraval collection is one I do have with me as I would not be able to handle that kind of separation anxiety as I continue looking for a house! And because I was choosing books I have on hand, that's the reason why I didn't use Spectacular! Lol! And I bet you know the next book I will pick too!

A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber

Luckily Stephanie's books had at least 2 letters I could use! Lol. I suppose if I did my whole name then I could at least get in TBONA! But this is good enough! Lol.

So there's my name in books! Now I just have to find where I stashed my J and E titles and then I can have a corresponding picture to go with it on my Instagram post! Hopefully I'll have that one up today as well!

How about you? Can you spell your name using book titles that you have? Or using any book titles?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. It's a fun meme where we gather to share what we've read last week and our reading plans for this week.



Last Week I Read:

Sweet Nightmare by Tracy Wolff (5 stars)



Currently Reading:

Belle Morte by Bella Higgin



What I Plan to Read Next:

Revelations by Bella Higgin



Other Posts of Interest:

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays
Can't Wait Wednesday
Books from the Backlog #83
Book Blogger Hop #306
Stacking the Shelves--The JLA Edition & a Surprise!