Nov 30, 2021

Challenges Monthly Wrap-up: November

CHALLENGE 1: 2021 New Release Challenge

NONE this month! But I've already doubled my goal!

CHALLENGE 2: Beat the Backlist 2021 Reading Challenge

Rise of the Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz (5/23/17)
Escape from the Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz (6/4/19)
A Magical Match by Juliet Blackwell (4/3/18)
Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge (5/5/15)

39/20, nearly doubled!!

CHALLENGE 4: 2021 Series Enders Challenge

Escape from the Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz (Descendants)

15/10!! I'm on a fast track to get 2 more series finished before the end of the year so I'd say I did pretty good!

CHALLENGE 4: 2021 Discussion Challenge

Creatures of the Night Tag
Zombie Apocalypse Book Tag
Authors I'm Thankful For
Thanksgiving Book Tag

29/25, not my best year of discussions but still doing good! I can probably bump myself up to the next level at least with 2 more discussions!

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.


"'It'll take more than that for Flynn to hate a person he's known nearly his whole life. Besides,' I say, thinking about how I treated Griffin for weeks, 'men like a little awful. It keeps them on their toes.'" p 49








TITLE: Breath of Fire
AUTHOR: Amanda Bouchet

PUBLISHER: Sourcebooks Casablanca
GENRE: Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: January 3, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.


This week's topic is: Top Ten Bookish Memories


*in no particular order



10. MEETING MY FIRST AUTHOR--the first author I ever met was Kim Harrison! It was actually at a smaller signing at Waldenbooks in a mall, but I didn't have my camera with me at that time. This technically would've been my first signing as another author meeting before this wasn't an official signing either!
9. SPENDING HOURS AT BORDERS--yes, I love that my first signing was in a Borders too! I used to spend hours on end trolling the shelves looking for my next read! There were so many magical finds at this store and I miss it deeply.
8. ROAD TRIPS TO NAPERVILLE--I've made many a 4.5 hour road trip to Anderson's to meet authors. I make a day of it, and yes, that's 4.5 hours one way! I don't usually get home until around 1am or so after a 7pm signing!

7. MY FIRST RT CONFERENCE--oh I used to LOVE these conferences! I met so many wonderful authors and had such a great time!
6. DRIVING TO CHARLESTON & SAVANNAH FOR AUTHORS--so in 2013 I talked my mom into a road trip to Charleston and Savannah for an author event! Though I decided on this picture in Charleston of the oldest tree (Angel Tree) because it was just so cool! Lol.
5. MEETING OTHER READERS--with attending the various events I still love meeting other readers. It's so heartwarming to know you're not alone in the love of reading and authors and fangirling over the two!

 4. THE PRIDE DISCUSSION GROUP--this was the discussion board I was a member of that I did my most conversing with other readers before I started my blog. So it's basically my pre-blogging days but still all very bookish talk!
3. FLYING OUT TO PA TO MEET MARIA V. SNYDER--So I was very much a fangirl of Maria's and one year I decided it was time to meet her. So I took my savings bought plane tickets to Pittsburgh and convinced my mom to go with me to meet her, plus a ton of other authors at RT!
2. DEMON IN MY VIEW by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes--naturally this one is on my list! This was the book that made an avid reader, or what I consider it to be! I read this one so many times.

1. MEETING AMELIA ATWATER-RHODES--I finally got to meet Amelia in 2015 and it was so amazing! I was trembling since she was the author that got me into reading and writing! I never ever thought I'd get this opportunity!