This week felt extra long for some reason. Sadly there was nothing worthy of note to happen. It was just blah. I've an interview set up for this week with another company and I'm really trying to make myself be positive and cheery about it, but after I was turned down for the one I reallllly wanted, it's kind of hard. I had to break out my leftover birthday cookie cake from the freezer this weekend because I was just feeling down. Here's hoping this week's interview goes well!
I didn't really add to my TBR pile this week either! I received coupons galore from B&N since they neglected to tell me at the beginning of the month that I had coupons mailed to me (they weren't!) and on top of that there was another one for this weekend. But I was pretty caught up on reads so yeah, didn't add any. I might go there today, who knows!
The books I did get were my Apollycon order! I've got to get myself to the event itself one of these days, but in the meantime I order books and since Jennifer's series had all new covers...well, I found myself ordering them on cold, January day! I was sad that Shadows and Oblivion didn't get to have the new covers as I already had these signed and there was no way for me to ask to skip the personalization, but oh well.
I'm too lazy at the moment to get pictures from Goodreads and then link them all up. LOL. So here's where they've been sitting all week as they arrived on Monday!
And here they all are lined up in their new cover glory!! They are really different from their predecessors but I have to say that I like them!! And every single one of them are SIGNED & PERSONALIZED!!
And then I ordered this beauty on Etsy from Bookish Signs and More!
With my obsession of Caraval, it only seems fitting to have some merchandise of it! And how can you forget the famous tagline of the first book? Since I'm hard to find quotes that I positively adore, I thought I'd go with this because let me tell you, I had to remind myself several times when reading Caraval that it was all only a game! LOL.
I've many ideas for this beauty in my bookstagram shots, so hopefully I'll be able to take pictures sometime soon! Today I'm busy, but we'll see how things go!
So what did you all get?