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This week's question is: What book are you embarrassed to admit you LOVED? (try to think beyond Twilight)
MY ANSWER: Embarrassed? Hmm...well I am embarrassed to admit that I read the Twilight books, but one that I am embarrassed that I loved/enjoyed? Hmm...that's a little hard. Normally I'm not embarrassed for liking particular books, although there have been some covers that I am shame-faced for reading and have to pull out the book covers!
I guess, maybe sort of...and really this is a sort of hesitation, because I wouldn't say I am embarrassed to having liked these, but yeah, I do get red faced with them and tend to want a hide a cover a bit as well!
Christine Warren's The Others series!
It was bit more on the romantic side than I thought and I swear every time sex scenes come up and I'm reading in public, I feel like people know I am reading a sex scene!
It doesn't usually help when the covers are a bit racy either. Although these covers here and this one in particular are a bit tamed, even though there are definite suggestions of a sexual nature going on. Or perhaps I think that because I've read the book completely red faced!