From the New York Times
bestselling author of the Souls of Fire novels comes the second in the
futuristic fantasy series that will make you want to keep the lights
When the bombs that stopped the species war tore holes
in the veil between worlds, they allowed entry to the Others. Now, a
hundred years later, humans and shifters alike live in artificially lit
cities designed to keep the darkness at bay....
humanoid supersoldiers known as the déchet were almost eradicated by the
war. Ever since, Tiger has tried to live her life in peace in hiding.
But in the wake of her discovery that Central City’s children are being
kidnapped and experimented on, Tiger’s conscience won’t let her look the
other way.
The key to saving them lies within the walls of a
pharmaceutical company called Winter Halo. But as she learns more about
the facility, Tiger’s mission is derailed by a complication: Winter
Halo’s female security guards are being systematically attacked by an
unknown force.
Now Tiger must summon all her gifts to stop those responsible for both atrocities—no matter the cost to herself...
received this book from the publisher in exchange for a voluntary and
honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review.
Keri Arthur continues her new sci-fi series with
Winter Halo as journey with Tiger once
again as she fights to rescue the missing children who have been
kidnapped and used to experiment on. I found myself once again
to remember what happened in the previous book and even worse,
struggling to understand what was happening in this book. I am fearing
that Keri’s new sci-fi series just might not be quite the read for me.
world is very different from my norm. Even in the other futuristic
books I’ve read, this world is nothing compared to those. Which can be a
good thing, but I struggled
to really understand what all has happened in this new world. There
were wars between just about everyone. As a dechet, Tiger has it rough
because she is seen as an enemy to man and paranormal alike, just
because she was used as a weapon of war. Tiger is very
much her own person though and no one controls her any longer.
enemy…which I am still not 100% clear on who that is still, still has
half of the missing children in its clutches. Meaning Tiger still has to
work with Jonas who has made
it clear he has no love for dechets. Yet, still there is a kind of
spark between these two. One that they both try to ignore, but it seems
even that trying is coming to an end. The ball clearly remains with
Tiger and what she will do with it is anyone’s guess.
truly think it’s the world-building that has me struggling to
understand this new series. It’s a bit too much for my addled mind I
guess. I am not much of a sci-fi reader,
and some of the events that continue to happen here clearly belong to
that realm. Don’t get me wrong, we still see bits of magic and
paranormal kind of lore going on and I enjoy those aspects, it’s just
that the rest of the world in this book really takes
a lot out of me. I struggle to concentrate and comprehend and it’s
becoming too much for me to handle.
did still enjoy the characters though! Truly they are what held me
together. I love Tiger’s fierceness and her devotion to saving these
children. Jonas, though he may be
a bit of a hardass at times, is also enjoyable because he too is
passionate about rescuing the children. And as I said, Tiger and Jonas’
interactions together are reaching new levels! Sure there’s still
bantering and teasing between them, but there’s very
little coldness between them anymore. And with literal talks about them
trying to see if something could happen between them, well, it kept me
reading is all!
hard for me to talk much about the pacing, as again, I mention my
struggles with this world there were times I felt like I was kind of
just distantly reading about things
and would be sucked back into the book at various intervals when there
wasn’t a lot of overthinking done on my part. Never once did I consider
DNFing though. I am too stubborn for that when it involves a favorite
author of mine, though I am hesitant to say
if I will be continuing this series. It’s hard because I do love Keri’s
work, but it’s just something about this series that I am having a hard
time connecting with. And as I said, it’s more on the world-building
level and it being just a bit too complicated
for me to fully comprehend in certain areas. Unfortunately those areas
make an overall understanding even harder to come by.
still, this read was still pretty enjoyable for me when I did have an
idea of what was going on. I loved the characters! They are truly what
kept me going in my times of
struggle. Tiger’s ghostly children friends, Cat and Bear are
remarkable! I love that these ghostly children as so comical and fierce!
They are really well developed characters too considering that they are
ghosts! While I am curious to see what an endpoint
for this series might look like, I am not 100% certain I will be going
that far.
Overall Rating 3/5 stars
Winter Halo releases December 6, 2016