Jan 31, 2018

ARC Review--Tempt by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Some flames are eternal...
As if being one of the few female Pterons wasn’t hard enough, now Hailey is a hybrid. She doesn’t have time to even accept her new lightness nature before she is tasked with saving the only world she’s ever known.

Wyatt will do anything to help Hailey— that is if he can adjust to major changes of his own.

With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance they must accept a challenge beyond any they have ever faced.

*New Adult Paranormal Romance*

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest and voluntary review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

It feels like ages since I last visited with Hailey and the Chronicles world! I was ecstatic to receive a copy of Tempt from Alyssa Rose Ivy! Her Chronicles series is seriously my most favorite New Adult series ever! It's just filled with paranormal-y goodness that it's impossible to not love it! The characters are always relatable and just totally enjoyable to be around! Hailey had been a favorite of mine ever since the first day she and Allie met! And her story is about to take quite a serious turn!

Veronica, the evil witch, has kidnapped Wyatt and forced him to transform into a dragon! Not his usual Drago form, but an actual DRAGON!! She plans to use him as bait to lure Hailey to her and her partner in crime, a woman from Wyatt's past. But their plans are far more sinister than even Wyatt and Hailey could imagine! And just when we think we might have an idea of what's going on, the ending will totally blow you away and leave you craving for more!

For a good portion of the book, Hailey and Wyatt are separated. While Wyatt is held captive, Hailey and her friends are trapped in a creepy maze with no visible way out. They don't have Anastasia with them and are trying to find her along with the way out. Add in the fact that Hailey now has a new set of powers bestowed upon her from Wyatt's deceased mother and you could say things are intense, but you'd be vastly underestimating the situation!

Thankfully, Hailey and Wyatt are reunited, but their troubles are far from over. In fact,--I bet you can guess it--they are just beginning! While there's still the huge problem of Veronica and her evil cohorts to deal with, new problems arise, ones that are vague and mysterious and aren't those just the best kind? Of course, not so much since we only start to get an inkling of the weirdness that is going on and then BAM! The end! Don't you hate when that happens? Lol! But you know it will mean Hailey's next book will be a totally epic conclusion! And naturally, I'm already pondering possible new couples for future books!

Naturally there was just enough tingling romantic scenes between Hailey and Wyatt! Since Hailey has finally realized her feelings for Wyatt, you can bet I was dying for their reunion! I think what I love most about Alyssa Rose Ivy's romances are that they go beyond the physical! Of course I love reading about the kissing and more, but it's truly the moments that reflect the deeper connection between heroine and hero that get me all tingly and gushy feeling! And I have to say, I love it! Lol!

The ending to this one was quite mysterious. That's pretty much a literal description. It's sort of cliffhanger-y, but since there's such a deeply seeded mystery lying in wait, it was hard to say why it was cliffhanger-y. The mystery is both helping and not helping in that matter! It's an odd moniker that's for sure! Needless to say I will be eagerly anticipating the conclusion to The Pteron Chronicles!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars

Tempt is out now!

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.

Ash may have escaped the immortal-worshipping cult that killed her mother, but the love of her life is still under its thrall. Dane has been possessed by his diabolical ancestor Coronado, a man who's fabulously wealthy, dripping with fame, and the leader of Europe's most dangerous immortal network. Dane begs Ash to join him at Coronado's castle in Spain, and swears that his blood bond with Ash is stronger than Coronado's hold over him. Ash is desperate to help Dane vanquish Coronado without having to sacrifice herself to the darkness. But when you're all in, blood and salt, the only way to hold on to the light might just be by setting everything on fire.

Was so excited when I saw Kim was writing a sequel to Blood & Salt! I quite enjoyed that one and am looking forward to this one too! So happy I had the foresight to keep my notes on this one when I thought it might just be a standalone! Lol!!

TITLE: Heart of Ash
AUTHOR: Kim Liggett
PUBLISHER: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: February 20, 2018

In this thrilling and suspenseful fantasy, set in the world of the New York Times bestselling Others series, Vicki DeVine and her lodger, the shapeshifter Aggie Crowe, stumble onto a dead body . . . and find themselves enmeshed in danger and dark secrets.

Human laws do not apply in the territory controlled by the Others–vampires, shapeshifters, and paranormal beings even more deadly. And this is a fact that humans should never, ever forget . . .

After her divorce, Vicki DeVine took over a rustic resort near Lake Silence, in a human town that is not human controlled. Towns like Vicki’s have no distance from the Others, the dominant predators that rule most of the land and all of the water throughout the world. And when a place has no boundaries, you never really know what’s out there watching you.

Vicki was hoping to find a new career and a new life. But when her lodger, Aggie Crowe–one of the shapeshifting Others–discovers a dead body, Vicki finds trouble instead. The detectives want to pin the man’s death on her, despite the evidence that nothing human could have killed the victim. As Vicki and her friends search for answers, things get dangerous–and it’ll take everything they have to stay alive.

Really excited for this next installment with new characters! At least, as I write this and am halfway through Etched in Bone, the names are new sounding! 

TITLE: Lake Silence
AUTHOR: Anne Bishop
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: March 6, 2018

Jan 30, 2018

Review--Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop

New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop returns to her world of the Others, as humans struggle to survive in the shadow of shapeshifters and vampires far more powerful than themselves…

After a human uprising was brutally put down by the Elders—a primitive and lethal form of the Others—the few cities left under human control are far-flung. And the people within them now know to fear the no-man’s-land beyond their borders—and the darkness…

As some communities struggle to rebuild, Lakeside Courtyard has emerged relatively unscathed, though Simon Wolfgard, its wolf shifter leader, and blood prophet Meg Corbyn must work with the human pack to maintain the fragile peace. But all their efforts are threatened when Lieutenant Montgomery’s shady brother arrives, looking for a free ride and easy pickings.

With the humans on guard against one of their own, tensions rise, drawing the attention of the Elders, who are curious about the effect such an insignificant predator can have on a pack. But Meg knows the dangers, for she has seen in the cards how it will all end—with her standing beside a grave.

I finally finally finished the first series of Anne Bishop's The Others! I feel like this new continuation is a new series, yet still familiar and all. At least that's how I am going with it! Lol! Etched in Bone brings Meg and Simon's story to a conclusion. I feel like this was always their story even though we still got to see a lot of the characters' points of view.

The Others are rebuilding their Courtyards, since Lakeside went mostly unscathed, they are helping the other Courtyards that did suffer in helping them to find new employees for the most necessary positions. Life at Lakeside struggles to get back to normal, or as normal as things can be. Meg continues to use her prophecy cards more than cutting and when she inquires about the future of Lakeside she receives an unsettling answer and not long after, a new visitor comes to the Courtyard.

Since we change point of views quite frequently, we've pretty much been prepared for Monty's infamous brother, Jimmy, to come to Lakeside looking for a free ride since the rest of his family resides there. Jimmy was definitely one of the most nefarious characters I've ever met! He's top rated selfish and lazy and is always looking to see how he can make a quick buck without trouble on his part. He's so skeevy that I couldn't stand to read his parts. He uses his wife and children, it's sickening.

You might wonder then, why does Simon and the rest allow him and his family to stay? Well, the Elders are quite curious when it comes to humans and what makes them bad or good, good like Meg and her female pack and the other humans that the Others have taken into their home. Without any other choice, Simon allows Jimmy's family to stay, though they are all very vigilant in keeping a close eye on him regardless of Monty's warnings to do just that.

The Others do everything they can to keep Jimmy as far from Meg as possible, for if he got word that she was a cassandra sangue...well, they don't want to know the lengths he will go to, to get a hold of her. A large part of the story revolves around Jimmy's schemes and his trying to cheat the Others, I'm actually rather surprised they didn't bite his head off despite the Elders' warnings.  But soon, not even the Elders will be able to stop Simon and the other members of Lakeside when Meg's life is threaten very much indeed.

This book was just so much wow! It was intense as Jimmy and pretty much his entire family are despicable people. Reading from villainous people for so long can really take a toll on you. It's no wonder the Others have sneered at humans before Meg if Jimmy was their prime example of society. He is one of the worst villains I've encountered to date, which is saying something!

The ending was everything I was hoping for! For so long we've held our breaths waiting for this moment...! While I do believe this ends Meg and Simon's story, there are still more stories to be had with The Others, as the world series will continue with a new cast of characters. I'm really looking forward to the new adventure and new characters that will come from the same world. And of course, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for perhaps a mention of old friends!

If you haven't read this series yet, I will once again recommend it! It's unlike any other paranormal series I've read where humans and paranormals interact. Except in this world, the paranormal people are the ones who run the world and we humans just live there!

Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page

3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

"Simon waited for her to regain control of her emotions. Obviously he'd stomped on her tail by asking what he'd thought was a simple opening question. And he wondered just how much teasing she had received--and why human males would train a female to shoot a gun and then tease her into being angry enough to shoot them." p 81

TITLE: Etched in Bone
AUTHOR: Anne Bishop
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: March 7, 2017 

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About

*in no particular order
**so last week I made a goof! A huge goof so early in the new year! I did this week's topic last week instead of the one assigned! I think I figured out how it happened too, I was used to The Broke and Bookish not always removing the old topics so I looked to the second one without really seeing the date. And thus here we are! So since I did this week's already, I'm going back to last week's!

10. STRAY by Rachel Vincent--so my memory might be a little rusty with this one and the series at large. I remember some things and being happy with the ending, so that's good!
9. MY SOUL TO TAKE by Rachel Vincent--again, I can't really remember much about this one at all! I have a few little memories about the series as a whole, but again, just bits and pieces.
8. THE GODDESS TEST by Aimee Carter--have almost no memory recollection of this one. Though I did adore it!

7. INTERTWINED by Gena Showalter--it's with great sadness that I add this one to the list! I had full intentions to re-read the series when the final book came out. Then Gena came back and said for the second time it wouldn't be coming out. That was a most soul crushing day indeed! I was totally enthralled with this one! It was practically the first time I read from the male pov and I loved it!
6. THE SCENT OF SHADOWS by Vicki Pettersson--another series I totally fell in love with! Super heroes and villains, action...and other stuff! I can't even remember vagueities. Though I have small memories about the series at large and positively loving it by the finale!
5. NIGHTWALKER by Jocelynn Drake--another series that adored from start to finish and yet here I am not remembering much at all! I can remember loving the relationship between heroine and hero though from the very getgo!

4. THREE DAYS TO DEAD by Kelly Meding--I remember this was one of the first books I ever won from a giveaway! It was a new to me author and I remember falling in love with this series. Then it was cancelled but the author self-pub the remaining books. I STILL need to read the final one which will prove to be problematic for my poor memory!
3. ISLE OF NIGHT by Veronica Wolff--another series I fell quickly in love with though I can't quite remember the series at large much either. There are vague memories but I remember reading the series finale last year was even a bit of a struggle because it had been too long since I read the previous one!
2. HUSH, HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick--I miss this author! I haven't read anything from her in years. I remember diving into this series at random, possibly because people kept saying awesome things about it. Quickly fell in love because it was just so awesome. Though again, I can only remember pieces of it. Was always sad that the graphic novel version never took off (other than the first installment). :(

1. ICED by Karen Marie Moning--I soo need to get caught up in this series but it's been ages since I read Iced. I even read it late because I knew the next installment was going to be delayed. And here I am with next to no memory about what happened! Eek!

Jan 29, 2018

IT'S MY BLOGOVERSARY!!!! Time for a Giveaway!!

Hey all!! It's my blogoversary!!! 9 years ago today, YES 9, I created my little blog on a whim! I was itching to get extra entry points into a contest held by Rachel Vincent and a blog post was an example of one such thing. So I thought, let's give this blogging thing a try, and headed over to Blogger after googling blogging. And the rest, is history!

Naturally, in those days, there weren't many bloggers so I had zero clue as to what I was doing! But I just did my thing and my blog continued to evolve! And soon, the blogging community seriously opened up and took off! And it's been amazing 9 years ever since! Because of blogging I now have 300+ books to read! I've discovered authors I might not have ever read and have fallen in love with their books! Blogging is seriously one of the best things in my life that I enjoy and I don't see myself quitting any time soon! I mean, come on, I HAVE to make it to the 10 year mark next year! It's insane!!!

So for the past month, I've attended two signings, with a third to come this weekend in fact, and NOW is the time where you can win those lovely books!!

Here is the prize I have to offer:

a Beauty and the Beast Book Sleeve from Book Bubbie--yes, I am sharing my love with book sleeves with you! And what better pick then a Beauty and the Beast one?! And it's the LARGE size so it can fit those wonderfully thick hardcovers!
Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu--SIGNED!
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black--SIGNED!
*not pictured but will be included The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert--SIGNED!

This portion of the giveaway will be US addresses only, so if you got a US buddy to use and they can get the goodies to you later, that works too! But I am also giving away a book of your choice up to $20 (US) to anyone anywhere as long as the Book Depository ships to you!

Thank you to everyone who has been with me these crazy 9 years and to everyone who's joined in last year or 6 years or whenever! Having you all visit my blog when you do means the world to me! The blogging community is soooo big and that you come to visit me seriously makes me feel so incredibly happy! Thank you everyone!!

ARC Review--This Fallen Prey by Kelley Armstrong

When Casey Duncan first arrived at Rockton, the off-the-grid, isolated community built as a haven for people running from their pasts, she had no idea what to expect. There are no cell phones, no internet, no mail, and no way of getting in or out without the town council's approval. She certainly didn't expect to become the town homicide detective. But, the very last thing she expected was for the council to drop a dangerous criminal into their midst without a plan to keep him imprisoned. And she never thought that she'd have to be responsible for him.

The longer Oliver Brady stays in town, the more people seem to die around him. When evidence begins piling up that someone inside Rockton is working as his accomplice, Casey races to figure out who exactly Brady is and what crimes he's truly responsible for committing.

I received this ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest and voluntary review. I was in no way compensated for this review.

We return to Rockton with Casey and Eric in the next exciting and chilling adventure with Kelley Armstrong’s This Fallen Prey! Things get really intense with this one when the council forces Eric to take in a serial killer to hold prisoner for a six months so that his stepfather can then “incarcerate” him on an island somewhere. Nice huh? Only things—naturally—aren’t all what they appear to be.

When the council literally dumps a new “resident” at their feet, Casey, Eric, and the rest of the militia aren’t sure how to handle this. Phil, their in-between guy, only tells them what they need to know. Oliver Brady is a serial killer and his stepfather wants him in Rockton until further accommodations can be made. Though trying to keep a serial killer imprisoned in a town filled with people who were running from extreme violence or other serious matters is a bit tricky. It’s really no surprise when Oliver manages to escape and is running through the woods…woods filled with hostiles and the other residents like Jacob, who have always lived in the woods.

As Casey and Eric try to track him down they continue to find body after body in the woods. And soon the residents of the woods aren’t taking lightly to them being there as well. Will they be able to catch the killer in time? Or will someone else beat them to it…for it appears someone may be hunting them while they hunt for Oliver.

This Fallen Prey was thick with suspense and tension! There was a great deal of mystery to things in a sense because we aren’t really clear on what Oliver did, it will later be revealed but even then it will have your head spinning. There were so many twist and turns to the story that I couldn’t keep a clear idea of who was guilty and who was innocent.

What I am loving about this series is definitely the bigger mystery of them all…which is the council that runs Rockton. There is so much we still don’t really know. Time and again we are presented with characters we were only starting to get to know and are waylaid by new revelations. That continues to happen here. You never really know who you can trust.

Kelley never ceases to amaze me with the words she creates! I adored her paranormal series and I find I am enjoying Rockton just as much as those worlds from before. It’s a suspenseful series that keeps me turning the pages as I am eager to find out the whodunit in time! And with this mystery, it goes way deeper than I ever thought possible! The twists were incredible and I was left reeling for I hadn’t seen that ending coming!! I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was a cliffhanger, but it is the first time I felt like things aren’t quite at a calm as they were previously at the endings. I’m anxious to know about the next book already and this one hasn’t even officially released yet!

Kelley has done it again and written yet another mind-blowingly amazingly incredible read! I can’t get enough of the mysteries of Rockton and I hope that this series continues to have a good long run as her previous ones! I am loathe to say goodbye to this world just yet! If you’re a fan of mysteries and suspenseful reads then this is a highly recommended series!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars

This Fallen Prey releases February 6, 2018


It's Monday! What are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It's a fun meme where we gather to share what we've read last week and our reading plans for this week.

Last Week I Read:

Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop (4 stars)
Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes (Early Review) (5 stars)

Reviews That Were Posted:

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert (ARC) (4 stars)
Reign the Earth by A.C. Gaughen (ARC) (4 stars)

Currently Reading:

Etched in Bone by Anne Bishop

What I Plan to Read this Week:

Tempt by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Other Posts of Interest:


Jan 28, 2018

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.

So I really wasn't expecting to get any books this week. Even with the coupon B&N sent me. Sigh...oh wait...I know what I need to order now! Lol!! To be continued!

Anyway, while I did get a few books, I got even more lovely bookish items!! Take a look...

My first purchase and I am ashamed to admit, I paid a small fortune for, but in the end, I am super excited to add this to my collection! I rarely treat myself to such expensive things! Hopefully once I get going on my taxes I will find a nice little refund and this will be just a blip on the credit card bill! LOL!

Caraval by Stephanie Garber--the super super special edition from the UK that has the misprinted cover, which ironically, I think is just GORGEOUS!!! Lol!

I won Jennifer @ Bad Bird Reads' Blogoversary contest and won a book of my choice, so straight to the wishlist I went and decided on Devon Monk's first book in her newest series...

Death and Relaxation by Devon Monk

THANK YOU Jennifer!!!

Then for review from the author I received:

Tempt by Alyssa Rose Ivy--SUPER excited to get back to Hailey's story!! EEK!

THANK YOU Alyssa!!

Then I received my preorder goodies from Mary Lindsey for Haven!

There's what I believe are tea leaves
a wine stopper/corker--I don't drink so I don't know the official name! Lol! At least that's what I think this is? Or is it a tea leave presser thing? My mom thought it looked like a wine stopper!
signed postcard & bookmark
a makeup bag
a gorgeous necklace with a crescent moon! Looks like it's made from Tiger's Eye!
Then I got my preorder swag for The Cruel Prince! I was ecstatic that it got here so fast!!
I got a signed bookplate
a sticker
a bookmark with an awesome pin!

THANK YOU Little Brown Books!

Then I ordered a few more book sleeves...because uh...you can never have too many! My sister used to "collect" purses, I collect book sleeves...and the books to put them all in! LOL! But yeah, my books still far outnumber my book sleeves!

The gorgeous one on the left came from Story Time Sleeve! I love this galaxy look! It's sooo cool!
I realized I had no "official" Harry Potter sleeves! I did pick up the one with deer on them and it was purple that gave off Harry Potter vibes, but I think the Marauder's Map is a nice official Harry Potter one! This I bought from Fandom Sleeves!

Then I had signed up to receive a Christmas card from Lisa Maxwell and it finally came this week! It's so pretty! I was a little sad that during transit it got that weird smear on the bottom, but it's still pretty! I'll just hold it at that corner to hide it! :)


And that my friends is what I got this week!! What did you all get?

Jan 26, 2018

Book Blogger Hop

This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Do you ever go back to older posts and change things? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)
MY ANSWER: No. Mostly because I am too lazy! Lol! Plus I've redesigned my blog a few times over the years and I know some text coloring and font might not look the prettiest but pretty sure it's all readable!
I also won't go back to change the review itself just because those were my thoughts at the time. I might be doing a re-read again later this year but those books were long before the blog happened, but I can say that I would probably just write a new review for a book I re-read and already reviewed as well. The old posts are in the past and I am just looking towards the future! Lol!

Jan 25, 2018

Early Review--Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes

As two lethal elemental gods set out to destroy Mytica, sworn enemies must become allies in the final fight to save the kingdoms.

Jonas continues to willfully defy his destiny, but the consequences of plotting his own course are drastic. As the fight for Mytica rages on, he must decide just how much more he's willing to sacrifice.

Lucia knows there's something special about her daughter and she'll do anything to protect her, even if that means facing Kyan alone.

Amara is called back home to Kraeshia. Grandma Cortas has her own plans for Mytica's future. She promises Amara power, revenge, and dominance if she agrees to be part of her scheme.

Magnus and Cleo's love will be put to the ultimate test. Dark magic is causing widespread destruction throughout the kingdom. Enemies across the sea are advancing. And unrest is stirring throughout the land. Is their love strong enough to withstand the outside forces tearing them apart?

I was beyond ecstatic to land an early copy of Morgan Rhodes' Immortal Reign! For the past five years I took joy in reading this book series on my birthday week, so naturally with the change of release date I was itching to get my hands on this one! Thankfully one of my friends was willing to make a trade! Crystal Storm left us all shaken and you know...teetering on the brink of insanity! But the cover you guys, remember the cover!! So naturally my breath was held for a good chunk of pages (44).  

Our cast of characters are once again spread throughout Mytica. Jonas is trying to get Lucia and her child back to her family, while Cleo is doing everything she can to find Magnus. Nic has been possessed by the fire Kindred, Amara is still in power and going a bit crazy with it. Things are just chaotic. What we know for sure is that the Kindred that have already taken over Olivia and Nic must be stopped and Cleo and Taran are doing everything they can to battle the spirits within them, but Cleo feels it's a losing battle day by day.

This book you guys!! Oh my word, my breath was literally held for the course of 391 pages! Morgan has shown us that basically no character is ever safe in this world so I went in expecting the worst but hoping for the best, I mean this is the series finale! Surely she won't kill everyone we love...right?! Seriously, five books and I had plenty room for doubts!

The pacing to this one was spot on as all Morgan's books have been! We have our multiple points of view again which I've grown accustomed to and quite enjoy! I don't think this series would've worked if it was told in just omniscient third person point of view. I loved jumping from character to character for the times when they were separated, it wasn't long before I was dying to go back and check on the other characters, for naturally, the chapters can end with a tiny cliffhanger!

While I don't want to get too into, I will touch lightly on the romance! The romances on all fronts were perfectly perfect! I can't stop saying perfect! Help me! How else can I describe it though? It is what it is! I loved seeing these relationships develop, although I can't help but feel like one came on as a surprise at the end that left me a tad baffled, but I guess after her last redeeming act I was okay with it, that she got some happiness. Yeah...have to be vague there, sorry! Naturally, I was swept away by all the kisses and swoony-ness.

This series was perfectly phenomenal! It had everything from action, romance, magic, shocks and surprises...there is just so much perfect to it!! And the characters! Can we say how freaking amazing they are?! They have all grown so, sooooo much since the beginning! I mean, come on, who didn't hate certain people and come to totally ADORE them by the end? You all know who I'm talking about! That complicated guy we all just loved to hate until we just started loving him (at least I did!)! His character development was one I didn't see coming in the first book, it probably might have been glimpses in the second and third book that finally did it for me. I really need to do a series re-read/binge on this one! If only there was time!

The ending was utterly perfect! I couldn't have imagined a better one! There just wasn't any better way to do it! My only complaint is that it's over. Yes, I know all good things must come to an end but sometimes I'd rather like seeing things stretch out for awhile as long as they are still staying fresh! The ending here is my favorite kind of ending as well, I won't get into those details, but I can finally happy cry at the end of one of these novels, thank you Morgan!! 

The Falling Kingdoms series fast became one of my all-time favorites. I think I wasn't really hooked until the second installment, but I will always be forever grateful that the first one landed on my TBR pile! Best day ever...and I didn't even know it! If you enjoy a good fantasy with complex characters and a great deal of action, romance, and magic, then this is the series for you!!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars