As I said before I've been trying to find the time to contact some authors and do interviews via email with them about their writing. Chloe Niell was gracious enough to take the time and answer some questions I came up with.
Where did you get your idea for your books?
Generally, I knew I wanted to write an urban fantasy about a female heroine. But specifically, on a scene-to-scene basis, they come from everywhere. Conversations I hear, interesting news stories, song lyrics. I try to keep a notebook nearby so that I can jot down information, ideas or phrases that might be fun additions.
Why Chicago?
I wanted to set the books in a city with an interesting political and social history that hadn't previously been used in the vampire context before.
What can you tell me about Friday Night Bites?
Not much. :) Friday Night Bites takes place a couple of weeks after Some Girls Bite ends. We know Merit has been working to come to terms with being a vampire; but now her Master, Ethan Sullivan, asks her to take a trip back home and pretend that she's on friendly terms with her father. She's not thrilled, as you might imagine.
When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?
I've only been writing for a few years now, so it's definitely something I came to later in life. I've always had a good imagination, and I've always been crafty, but I kind of fell into writing after I went through a stage where I read a ton of books. I felt like I'd exhausted everything I wanted to read, so I started writing something I wanted to read.
I heard you're a part-time writer, how challenging is it to do both jobs and balance in things like family/friends and other daily tasks?
It's definitely a challenge. Keeping a calendar is the biggest key for me--knowing when my deadlines line up, when my guest blogs are due, etc. But I don't have much free time, especially if I'm on a tight deadline. But I wouldn't change it for the world.
How many books will there be in the Chicagoland Vampire Series?
There are four books currently under contract. I have ideas for a handful more, so we'll have to see how much readers enjoy them! :)
What can you tell me about Firespell, the first book in your new YA series?
Firespell tells the story of 16 year-old Lily Parker's first week at St. Sophia's boarding school in Chicago. She learns that things aren't what they seem, especially where magic is concerned.
How many books are planned for the Dark Elite series?
There are currently three books in the series. Ditto on my answer for the Chicago series. :)
When you have free time what do you like to do?
I love to read, bake, watch 30 Rock and play with my dog. LOVE to bake. Mostly very, very unhealthy Southern-style desserts.
As an aspiring author myself, what do you recommend finding first, a publisher or an agent?
Wow, tough question. I found a publisher first, then got an agent after I'd secured the contract for Some Girls Bite and Friday Night Bites. (So it is possible to make the leap from slush pile to store shelves--that's how it worked for me.) You might check Writer's Market for thoughts about simultaneous submissions to both. But the first step is the most important--finish the manuscript, edit it, and ensure that you have a high-quality product to send out.
Any advice for other aspiring writers?
WRITE. Everyday, at least a little. Don't worry about whether it's good or if it will end up in the final product--you can always edit what you've written later on. That feeds into the second tip--treat it like a business. Being published is a great first step, but there are other things to consider--marketing, publicity, social media, interviews, etc.
Thanks for your time Chloe!
Thanks for having me, Jessica!
Friday Night Bites comes out October 6 2009 and Firespell comes out January 5 2010
Also be sure to head to Chloe's blog for a contest! She has a nice little prize package filled with Cadogan goodies!
Back to add more, another blogger has another interview with Chloe up and she has a contest running as well. Me--I'm just a poor college student so I don't have enough income to run any contests, sorry! Maybe some day...
Anyway at Amberkatze's Book Blog, she has a contest to win either of Chloe's books, so hurry on over!