So it was last week's BBH prompt that got me rethinking on things that led to this topic! Quick summary was have you ever read a Nicholas Sparks novel? And you'd be surprised to hear that yes, I did! Wayyyy before my blog started in those dark dreadful years when I had to read contemporary books because there just was not enough paranormal books on the YA shelves. I still needed SOMETHING to read and the previews to A Walk to Remember looked cute, I liked Mandy Moore, and I saw those words: BASED ON THE the rest was history.
But anyway, it got me wondering about...
Has a movie that was based off a book, ever got you to read the book? I'll admit, I was always one of those people who wanted to read the book before I saw the movie! There are only 2 instances where I did the reverse because my mom didn't deem me "old enough" to read the book when I first started seeing the movie, which was probably like 7 or 8 maybe at that time??? Yeah, it's been awhile basically! Lol.
But anyway, as I mentioned in my Friday post, when I saw these previews for A Walk to Remember I thought it looked like a cute movie. I wasn't so jaded by the world just yet back then, lol. I liked Mandy Moore's music and I thought, sure, let's read the book so I don't have to wait however many months it was to see the movie! Then I'll know what's about to happen! Plus, I feel like the movie did update it a bit too, as I have a fuzzy memory of it being in a different time period then the present day of whenever that was...early 2000s I think?
Then another instance of me seeing a preview for a movie that I thought looked cool was for Timeline! Yes, an early Paul Walker film, like right after The Fast and The Furious and I am not sure where in the scheme of things for its sequel as Timeline came out the same year from the looks of things! Now when I first saw this preview, I thought it was for Old Magic by Marianne Curley! Lol! But then I saw the "sciencey" parts and was like wait...that didn't happen in the book? What are they doing? Then the actual movie title came up and I was like ohhhh! Lol.
But it looked to have the same vibes as Old Magic but you know just exchanging magic with science, okay whatever. But I saw that it was BASED ON THE I thought, I'll give that a read! I loved Old Magic and wow! BIG differences there! It was a little too "sciencey" for me in the grand scheme of things and I kind of felt like the movie really chopped and butchered it a bit.
And try as I might, I couldn't think of other examples that followed this pattern. After that it was more like books I read were being made into movies! So then it became the fear of "oh no what will they change now?!" Like after every Harry Potter movie, my friend and I would complain about what was cut and why they should've kept that scene and why heck did they replace cute little Dobby with offense to Neville of course, but come on, DOBBY! It later became a wonder if Neville would die in movie 7 part 1!
For the most part, I largely always wanted to read the book first before I saw any movie! Lol. I wanted to read the original source first so I knew what would happen and what the media version got wrong. I even did this with TV shows that were made into series! Of course, with those, I had read the book ages ago first...except for Midnight, Texas. I managed to read the first book before season 1, but then didn't get around to reading the other books before the next season came about. But when the shows started derailing from the book entirely I was like what is going on?! Bitten, anyone? LOVED that book! Was loving the show until maybe halfway through? It did well for those first handful of episodes but after that we were off the map but I was still hooked, so there you go! Lol.
Did a movie preview or the movie itself ever make you want to read the book? Were you ever determined to read the book before the movie came out so you could tell others, you read the book first? I kind of enjoyed that part myself! Lol.