Mar 14, 2025

Book Blogger Hop #349


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!

This week's question is: Do you only feature reviews on your blog? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Review)

MY ANSWER: No. I participate in memes 6 days a week for fun. Things like Monday wrap-ups to showcase what I read, Teaser Tuesday with a teaser from my current read, Top Ten Tuesday which is usually ten picks from a random topic, Can't Wait Wednesday where I feature an upcoming book I am excited about, Books from the Backlog on Thursdays which I feature a book from my TBR pile that I still have not read, and of course Book Blogger Hop in which I answer a random question that is usually book related! Then there's also Sunday where I feature the books and bookish goods I received during the week!

I also post random discussion topics when something occurs to me. Usually some random like thought pops up in my head and I turn it into a discussion, or what I like to call a rambling post! Lol. I like to ramble on about things sometimes! If I can find a fun "tag" post I do those too! There used to be a lot of different kinds back in the day, but since blogging is becoming less of a thing I find it harder to find them these days. For some reason my brain can't compute the idea to create one myself because I feel like it wouldn't mesh right theme wise with counterparts where one could chose a title to fit the topic. I'm even struggling to formulate the words to describe my struggle with this, so you can see why I don't just make a fun tag myself! Lol.

But yes, I post other random things on my blog besides reviews. In the early days I also posted interviews with authors, I participated in blog tours, I posted random cover reveals when I found them early enough or was participating in a cover reveal kind of tour, but those kinds of posts haven't happened in a long time.