Well it was another week. It started out fine. Monday I woke up with a sore throat but thought, okay, hopefully nothing more will come of it. I went to a signing that night and it was fun. Then of course, Tuesday I woke up with a cold. Guessing I got it from my excursion to the mall the previous weekend as I went to Build a Bear with my niece and then was watching her play on the playground in the mall surrounded by tons of children. So yeah, pretty sure that's where the cold came from! The rest of the week was a blur...a sickness endured blur. I was incapacitated for the rest of the week. Friday when I got off early I had hoped to read some but found myself falling asleep and I gave in eventually and took a wee nap. My reading suffered greatly this week and it brought me to tears. Otherwise there's not much else to note.
Here's what I got this week:
Rebel Witch by Kristen Ciccarelli--SIGNED
That was it for me this week! This was the second week in row where my B&N order came on a Friday! I don't know what's happening but I like it! I feel like this can't last long though! Getting my preorders the week they release? I feel like when a signing comes up and I am depending on them to deliver on time, that will be the time it won't show up until the following week...after the signing!
What all did you get this week?
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