Mar 13, 2025

Books from the Backlog #126

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books!

When magic burns, the world ignites.

There is no fiercer fae in the Morainian guard than Regan McCrae. Orphaned as a child, she has dedicated her life to the protection of her clan. She eats, sleeps, and breathes her noble duty. Only in her most private thoughts does she admit to be dreaming of romance…and of capturing the heart of her clan’s younger prince. When she learns he has been taken prisoner, her only thoughts are of rescuing him. But her captain and her high prince have a more desperate mission in mind.

Cheerful and cheeky Peter Duncan comes from a long line of human seers who are sworn to guard the unseelie fae when they are vulnerable in animal form. Those in his position are expected to remain neutral, but he’s always been friends with the Moraine. He doesn’t care about stodgy old rules and regulations. But he does care about doing something more valuable with his life than just standing watch. When the high prince calls him to the palace and asks for his help, he jumps at the chance.

As danger and destruction loom at the edges of the fae realm, a faithful warrior with a secret longing and a human who has never taken anything too seriously must attempt an impossible task where failure means unimaginable consequences.

I added When Magic Burns by Tera Lynn Childs to my TBR in May of 2016 as well. I want to say that these last two books of the trilogy were offered up in the same newsletter as I have both marked as "to read" for May of 2016! These appear to be short stories as I think they were all under 100 pages according to Goodreads. I love a good fae story so I thought why not? Hopefully one day soon I can just binge the trilogy!


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