Mar 11, 2025

Let's Discuss: Faceless Covers


Okay so I had another topic to discuss! This one was one I always thought about when I saw it but never thought to make it into a discussion until now! Lol.

Faceless Covers

Okay, so I couldn't find a lot of examples but it was when I saw someone's post on Instagram of Elle Kennedy's books that resparked this idea. Covers that have characters on them, but with no face...just really freak me out. Lol.

I don't know why, but it just disturbs me for some reason. Lol. I get it's just an artsy thing or maybe trying to let the reader imagine the rest of the face themselves without a cover model be it real or cartoony.

But yeah. There's just something freaky about it. Luckily, when it came to The Mediator series I have all the ORIGINAL covers, so my only faceless cover was book 6! Lol. But oddly reading Owen's Little Thieves trilogy, those don't freak me out as they're just missing eyes. Apparently having most of the facial features doesn't trigger this fear in me! Lol.

It's quite possible I saw some horror movie as a kid because of an irresponsible adult that involved something of this kind that perhaps has embedded itself in my psyche. I mean, I do recall an episode of Scooby Doo with a No Face Zombie villain...but that ended up being a robot, so wasn't super scary. I knew with Scooby that there'd be something to this faceless villain! So it wasn't that one that started this somewhat fear I have. I really don't know where the link is or what it was.

But yeah, when I see these covers now, I shudder and just hope that none of my authors get a cover to go in this direction. I might need to buy a hide-a-cover to permanently keep on the book then! Lol. I can deal with half faces or part of face on a cover. But to see the WHOLE head, with the WHOLE face and see nothing but maybe a pair of lips or nose's just freaky!

Is it just me or does this kind of disturb anyone else? It's probably just me. It's okay. I can take it. I mean I won't completely avoid a book if it has this on the cover. Especially if it's by a favorite author. But I can definitely say there will be no multiple copies if they go in this trend! Lol.

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