Teaser Tuesday is a weekly blog post at Should be Reading by Mizb!
Currently re-reading Tracey O'Hara's debut novel, Night's Cold Kiss! Still loving it! From where I'm up to now, an event took me by surprise, because I totally forgot it happened!
Will have to see my old review that I wrote and depending on that I may or may not have to write up a newer one!
Onto the teaser. The rules:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER free
4. Name the book, author, etc.
"Somehow--impossibly--her mother's murderer stood before her. She froze, the same cold dread chilling her veins, just as it had over sixteen years ago." p118
TITLE: Night's Cold Kiss
AUTHOR: Tracey O'Hara
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: August 25, 2009
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