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This week's question is: Write a letter to your favorite character. Rant, rave or gush…just pretend like they are real and you just want to let them know a “few things”. – Activity courtesy of author, Kelly Walker
MY ANSWER: Okay, this one is kinda different! Here we go!
Dear Faythe Saunders,
Okay, I totally understand that you were going through tons of shit, but seriously what the hell girl? You were making some crazy ass decisions and totally toying with Marc and Jace! I know it was never your intention, but that's what you did. You ended up hurting more than just Marc with what you did.
I know things all worked out the way you wanted them to in the end, but I felt like you caused a lot of damage on the way to your HEA ending. I just feel like you should've gotten to your point a little better than hurting the guys like you did.
The only thing I can stress to you is to please, please think before you act next time! Really truly think of what you're doing and if you are going to regret your actions later and who all will be hurt because you won't take the time to simply think. And furthermore, no more tequila for you.
Stay cool, Catgirl!
Dear Faythe Saunders,
Okay, I totally understand that you were going through tons of shit, but seriously what the hell girl? You were making some crazy ass decisions and totally toying with Marc and Jace! I know it was never your intention, but that's what you did. You ended up hurting more than just Marc with what you did.
I know things all worked out the way you wanted them to in the end, but I felt like you caused a lot of damage on the way to your HEA ending. I just feel like you should've gotten to your point a little better than hurting the guys like you did.
The only thing I can stress to you is to please, please think before you act next time! Really truly think of what you're doing and if you are going to regret your actions later and who all will be hurt because you won't take the time to simply think. And furthermore, no more tequila for you.
Stay cool, Catgirl!