Oct 3, 2009

Still Reading...

Hello faithful readers.

Sadly there will be no review this week. Not sure when I will get around to it. I am still reading Kelley Armstrong's Frostbitten and loving it so far. Not real far into it. School is getting intense with midterms coming up and I am still trying to work on papers and other upcoming tests. Not pretty. On top of all that I still have too many hours at my part time job that I am getting stressed out to the max.

Still reading when I can though. It is just slow going. As you can see I'm still trying to get Jeanne's book in and that was released in August. And all this month I will be reading my September books. My ultimate goal is that by December when I am on break I will be able to finish all the books I currently have sitting on my shelf waiting desperately to be read and that before the break is up I will be ranting about having nothing new to read. Of course that may be unlikely as I do have at least 1 book that comes out in December, possibly 2 with the chance of finding a 3rd and then comes January, a new year and a few new releases to be read! Of course school starts up again sooner than I would like, but I am really hoping that my last semester of college goes over smoothly. With the possibility of only having 4 classes and working extra time on the literary magazine at my school for credit.

So, really the point of this rant...er...post, ;) , is to say that yes I am still reading Frostbitten and my goal is to finish it this week and have a review up by next weekend. But I do have at least 1 test and 1 quiz that I know of so far that I need to study for and preparation for a midterm that following week. It's not going to be a pretty end of the year is all I can say. Wishing desperately it was December. December 12th to be on the safe and exact side!

Please bear with me in these hard times of college craziness. Not being able to read my books hurts me deeply and I really miss being able to post reviews for the people who need them. I find myself needing a review for a book every now and then too.

Again, I hope that next semester will be better and allow me more time for reading and reviewing!