Jan 13, 2010

Review--Kitty's House of Horrors


Talk radio host and werewolf Kitty Norville has agreed t appear on TV's first all-supernatural reality show. She's expecting cheesy competitions and manufactured drama starring shapeshifters, vampires, and psychics. But what begins as a publicity stunt will turn into a fight for her life.

The cast members, including Kitty, arrive at the remote mountain lodge where the show is set. As soon as filming starts, violence erupts and Kitty suspects that the show is a cover for a nefarious plot. Then the cameras stop rolling, cast members start dying, and Kitty realizes she and her monster housemates are ironically the ultimate prize in a very different game. Stranded with no power, no phones, and no way to know who can be trusted, she must find a way to defeat the evil closing in...before it kills them all.

Yeah, can't remember if I mentioned that I returned to school this week, so that means my reading gets done more slowly than I would like. While my last semester looks like I won't be insanely busy like last semester, I will still be busy with other school obligations as I am graduating! Yea!

Anyway, on to Kitty's House of Horrors! I love the Kitty Norville series! I just started reading them around the 3rd book release and loved them immediately! I was hooked from the moment Kitty talked her way out of Cormac killing her in book 1 and that is where my addiction started. Of course when it came to book 3, Kitty Takes a Holiday, I was rooting for Cormac more so than Ben and I still cannot get over that she ended up marrying Ben, but oh well. Life happens. That is just the way Carrie decided to do things when I asked her about it once online.

The plot seems like it is from a bad horror movie; supernaturals trapped in a cabin in the woods, disconnected from society and they are being hunted by someone. Except in horror movies, humans are the ones trapped, so we get a little bit of a swap here--Kitty even notes that the events taking place seem like they are from a bad horror movie, hence why I say this without guilt.

For some reason I was still shocked when the bad guys were revealed when it should have been obvious, but I tend to overlook those things, because sometimes the obvious answer is not always the answer. Then of course when you think that, it is the obvious answer. Confusing, right? People did die, as the BOC says and I was literally shocked by the victims, especially when other events took place between the characters. I was growing to like them when all this horrible things started happening, it was devastating.

Because it has the air of a horror movie, the book had a LOT of suspense because you didn't know when bad things were going to happen because there was no eerie soundtrack. So it was made even more suspenseful. I still couldn't believe the gang didn't think anything of this cottage in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere, but I guess the "that's Hollywood" had something to do with it.

Kitty is a very well-rounded character and I love it because we get to see Kitty and we get to see her wolf. She is in control of herself the majority of the time and sometimes she has to battle her wolf to keep her calm and Vaughn takes care of this wonderfully. I love it too when we get to be in her wolf's mind when the wolf has taken control. Vaughn switches to 3rd person to acknowledge the change in perspective and while it seems ordinary, Vaughn does is wonderfully. Her wolf has a very interesting mind as well, for she is protective of her friends and pack and her wolfish actions are very wolf like too, what you would expect from a scared animal.

There is another surprise within this novel that I won't divulge in, but if you've seen some interviews/Q&As with Carrie Vaughn then the answer may be there, I know one for sure, because I asked. I was thrilled to actually see this event take place and thrilled to know that there will be more development with it in the next book. I don't know the title or anything like that, but when I asked Carrie in the same Q&A she said that it might be out at the end of this year! So that will be a treat!

The Kitty Norville series is definitely a treat for those who want more werewolves in their life! There is definitely something more nefarious going on in Kitty's world than the BOC has talked about, this nefarious plot is more long-termed, not sure how soon it will come about or when, but something big is going to happen. You just know it!! Kitty is a lovable and relate-able character in my opinion. I thoroughly enjoy this series and it is one not to be missed if you love things that "go bump in the night", for there are more than just werewolves in Kitty's world.