Jan 31, 2010

Random Post

So I was at the mall today and went into Hot Topic, one of my favorite stores--other than Borders of course--and saw the most freaking awesome shirt ever! It was a simple black t-shirt with two wooden stakes crossed together and then in white lettering it said: ...And then Buffy staked Edward. The End

So of course I had to buy it! I am pretty sure it had to do with this particular youtube video. That video cracked me up, I was even talking with one of the sales associates at the store about it because he didn't know it was based on a video, he just thought it was funny too.

It had to do with the Buffy vs Edward video that Rebellious Pixels made last year. It was freaking hilarious! I remember seeing it awhile back, had thought I posted on it, but maybe I didn't. I think I read about it on another blog. Anyway I posted it here. I tried putting it on my sidebar, but as I've said, I am not technological savvy. Needless to say it didn't pan out. For now you can watch it here.

Go Buffy!

EDIT: Okay I have it in my sidebar now and after some major searching and tinkering I got it down to size! So you can still watch here in this post, but since I love this video I want it on my blog for as long as I can have it. It is officially in my sidebar now. Enjoy!