Feb 3, 2010

Cover Art--from Carrie Vaughn

WOW! I just saw the new cover for Carrie Vaughn's next book, Kitty Goes to War, over at Brooke Reviews and had to share it here as well. This is incredible! The coloring is awesome, a mix of yellows and orange and Kitty wearing the camouflage, as Brooke said, "makes a strong statement". I so cannot wait to know what the "war" is about and who between. There are 3 wolves in front of her and I wonder who they are. The last book we had a little bit of everyone in there--creature wise--so now we come back to the wolves. I wonder if it is her Pack. Her Pack was kind of small. Hmmm.....

And so far, according to Amazon, this book release June 29, 2010! Yea! 2 Kitty books within 6 months! How awesome is that! Looking forward to the release of this book as well as finding out what this "war" is about.

Anyone have any ideas, theories, or speculations?

EDIT: Found the description of the BOC on Amazon, should've scrolled down further. Here it is, and the wolves make sense now!

Kitty Norville, werewolf radio call-in host, gets a call from an old friend at the NIH's Center for Study of Paranatural Biology, a friend with a problem, who doesn't know where else to turn to. Three army soldiers who have recently returned from Afghanistan are in custody at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs. They're also werewolves suffering from post traumatic stress, unable to control their shape-shifting, unable to interact with people. Kitty agrees to see them, curious and wanting to help. Meanwhile, Kitty gets sued for slander after featuring Speedy Mart--a chain of 24-hour convenience stores with a reputation for attracting the supernatural--on her show, and an old-friend-and-adversary has just been released from jail.

Well that should hopefully hold us until the end of June. Unlikely, but at least there are still plenty of other GREAT reads to contain us while we wait. Including Carrie's debut YA novel, Voices of Dragons. No description on Amazon for that, I did check further down on that one!