Anyway, I saw this book, Nightlight and why it surprised me, but it did. I had to stifle laughter. And apparently this isn't the only one! I love this apple core, it's just too funny. And then the BOC is friggin hilarious, check it out:
About three things I was absolutely certain. First, Edwart was most likely my soulmate, maybe. Second, there was a vampire part of him--which I assumed was wildly out of control--that wanted me dead. And third, I unconditionally, irrevocably, impenetrably, heterogeneously, gynecologically, and disreputably wished he had kissed me.
And thus Belle Goose falls in love with the mysterious and sparkly Edwart Mullen in the Havard Lampoon's hilarious send up of Twilight.
Pale and klutzy, Belle arrives in Switchblade, Oregon looking for adventure, or at least an undead classmate. She soon discovers Edwart, a super-hot computer nerd with zero interest in girls. After witnessing a number of strange events--Edwart leaves his tater tots untouched at lunch! Edwart saves her from a flying snowball!--Belle has a dramatic revelation: Edwart is a vampire. But how can she convince Edwart to bite her and transform her into his eternal bride, especially when he seems to find girls so repulsive?
Complete with romance, danger, insufficient parental guardianship, creepy stalker-like behavior, and a vampire prom, Nightlight is the uproarious tale of a vampire-obsessed girl, looking for love in all the wrong places.
And thus Belle Goose falls in love with the mysterious and sparkly Edwart Mullen in the Havard Lampoon's hilarious send up of Twilight.
Pale and klutzy, Belle arrives in Switchblade, Oregon looking for adventure, or at least an undead classmate. She soon discovers Edwart, a super-hot computer nerd with zero interest in girls. After witnessing a number of strange events--Edwart leaves his tater tots untouched at lunch! Edwart saves her from a flying snowball!--Belle has a dramatic revelation: Edwart is a vampire. But how can she convince Edwart to bite her and transform her into his eternal bride, especially when he seems to find girls so repulsive?
Complete with romance, danger, insufficient parental guardianship, creepy stalker-like behavior, and a vampire prom, Nightlight is the uproarious tale of a vampire-obsessed girl, looking for love in all the wrong places.
So Edwart finds girls repulsive, hmm? Are we sure Edwart is looking for a girlfriend? Nothing wrong with wanting a boyfriend, not saying that, it just makes me wonder if Belle is so hung up on him and he finds her repulsive because he like guys. I don't know...maybe it's just me who thinks that when reading the back of the book. Because the last line even says "a girl looking for love in all the wrong places", such as being in love with a guy who isn't straight. That's just my guess anyway, I could be way off. The only way to find out is to read it, which I might someday.
And apparently there are more of these books that are parodies of Twilight. I don't know why I've never seen them before. There's TwiLite: A Parody by Stephen Jenner
New Moan: The First Book in Twishite Saga: A Parody by Mayo Stephfordy (ha!)
These books descriptions are hilarious, because you basically hear the plot of Twilight, but it gets twisted so that is sounds freaking crazy which Twilight is! Just the places Twilight went with this and that, these books go there in an overly dramatic way and it's just comical! Of course the "parody" after the titles should tell you that in the first place. I am starting to think I might want to read one of these whenever I get the time.