Feb 23, 2010

Cover Art--from Rachel Vincent

OMG! This is the BEST cover from the Werecats series ever! Rachel released this in her newsletter the other day and I had to post it! Of course, any other Pride members got to see it a little earlier, but we weren't allowed to post it yet. Now that Rachel gave the okay, I decided to post it! I LOVE it. Faythe looks soooo in control and about to take charge. I love it that she's sitting in this chair, it must be her dad's.

I'm still reading Shift, almost done, it's fabulous, but I got work on some homework first so that I can read Shift peacefully without worrying. Yeah, I know I could read first then do homework, but that's not how I roll. Besides I'll be worrying about my homework as I try to read. But so far it is soooooo good. So I know Alpha, the final conclusion will be just as good if not BETTER!

FYI: Alpha releases October 1, 2010 but possibly could be found earlier since Shift has been available already and it doesn't technically release until March 1.

Check back later today--hopefully today--for another post and a surprise!