Apr 10, 2011

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post hosted by Kirsti over at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

Wasn't a busy release week for myself so the mailbox wasn't too full! But still got some awesome goodies!!

First off I got the UK copy of My Soul to Take SIGNED by Rachel Vincent that I won in a contest! Love it! It's my first UK or any other publishing than US!

Then my copy of Lisa Cach's Wake Unto Me came in the mail on Friday which made me super happy since I ordered it that Sunday! Took  less than a week to get here!!

Then my only release this week was Devon Monk's Magic on the Hunt so I got that Saturday, the last copy at my Borders too!!

That was my mailbox this week! What fabulous reads did you get?