Jun 30, 2016

Follow Friday

This is a weekly blog meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read


The Rules:

  • The goal is to increase blog followers, make friends and have something to post.
  • You create your own post using the post prompt.
  • You leave your link and thumbnail in the linky list that links back to your post prompt.
  • Once you have your post up and linked, visit other posts and tell them hi. The point is to FOLLOW them not just comment.
  • If you see a post that just hit it to the moon, or just want to show appreciation to a fellow blogger friend, like their name on the linky list to show some appreciation.
  • The person with the most likes gets chosen as the next Feature (you can be chosen every 90 days unless we are in need of features)
  • It is required that if you participate that you have to follow the FEATURE. It is a big no-no to participate and ignore the feature. They are the special snowflake in this little blizzard.
  • As a participant it is up to your discretion on how you want people to follow. Please post RSS, GFC etc if you have a follow of choice.

Specific RULES:

  • Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  • Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
  • If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn’t have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed FOLLOW as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
  • Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
  • If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers

This week's prompt is: Tour Your Bookcase for Us!


 Here's some of the bookcases and shelves I have downstairs. Right now (on the right) I just have half a shelf, but pretty soon we'll get rid of the encyclopedias and I'll have another half shelf!! And don't fret, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is there, it's just in paperback as that's how I started the series!

 Another small bookcase I have downstairs. Really it came from my grandparents' house and my mom wanted it. She said I could fill it for her! ;)

 The bookcase on the left is my "closet" bookcase. And it holds ALL my Maria V. Snyder books! Though I think I need to move the other shelf back up higher so they're all the same level. The taller hardcovers wouldn't fit but I think it might be better in the long run to lay those down then have the too short shelf in the middle.
The one on the right is another one. Nothing special, just a normal one! Really the left one is the only "special" one being all Maria's books! I did a lot of rearranging with my new bookcases addition, and while moving them around, I left some room for new books too!

 Then we have my nightstand shelf which is all my Jennifer L. Armentrout books!! There's two rows going on each shelf, basically US and UK editions!
Then we have the second case which is a twin to the one above! I also have a lot of my Peter Pan and Tinker Bell items on the top and first shelf if you can see them!

Then there's my nice tall and narrow one! I took out a DVD case stand in order to make room for this one! Because really, books or movie room folks! It wasn't hard to decide!
Then here's my favorite bookcase, all 6 gorgeous shelves of it!! Again, I left some space for new books when moving them all around!

And here's my new one! I have two, but as you can see one is completely empty!! YAY! Though I could fill it with SOME of my TBR books and would still have books leftover! Though in my geekery, I never shelve a book until its read! ;) And again, you can see I left a little room for more newbies. Mostly ones I know are in my TBR mountain and that I hope to read soon! And I added a few little touches with signs! Though I think I want to hand that teal square one. Unless I put it on the other shelf once it gets full!

And those are my bookshelves folks! Most of them were built with the help of my mom, while the last three were all special ordered ones! I really like how they all came out!



BLOG TOUR: Early Review--Flameout by Keri Arthur (+CONTEST!)

New York Times bestselling author of Wicked Embers cranks up the tension in the next Souls of Fire novel, featuring Emberly Pearson, a phoenix who assumes human form to fight death at every turn.…

Emberly and her red hot partner, Jackson, have hit an impasse in their battle against the crazed humans infected by a plague-like virus derived from vampire blood. Their quest to unearth the leader of the group leads them into an ambush—and leaves Emberly at odds with her former lover, Sam, who’s pressuring her to join his Paranormal Investigations Team.

To make matters worse, three local witches have been kidnapped—and if their spells fall into the wrong hands, Emberly’s powers could end up smothered. With time ticking until the virus consumes the world, Emberly and Jackson must race to save the witches, find a cure, and smoke out their nemesis—or go down in a blaze of glory...

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way compensated for this review. 

Keri Arthur’s Flameout is one hot and explosive read, no puns intended! LOL! Or not! But seriously, when it comes to having a phoenix heroine, is hard to avoid the fire puns! Anyway, Flameout is the latest installment in her Souls of Fire series and things really heat up in all sorts of ways! Emberly is about to face one epic blowout!

To start with, this is a series and it should be read in order, because it’s one long streaming plot we’re focused on with a virus that could infect all of society and basically start an Armageddon in some ways. So spoilers from previous books are likely to happen here.

Emberly and Jackson are our main characters here for the most part, Sam, her old lover, still makes an occasional appearance, but since he’s be infected, he’s mostly out of the picture in quarantine, though he still pops up every now and then. There are so many players in this game, that sometimes it got a little hard to keep everyone straight. You have your bad guys, your bad buys who aren’t so bad, and the bad guys who are a pain in the you-know-what! So basically, a lot of people you can’t trust. Which makes things even more difficult for Emberly.

It wasn’t enough that she has to find Luke, who happens to be Sam’s brother, who’s sort of our main bad guy and the one who controls the red coats—the people infected with the Crimson Death and are a sort of mad, crazy vampire type—and also added to her plate is to find three missing witches. All while still trying to find the elusive notes the good doctor wrote about the virus and which hopefully contains the formula to a possible cure. Easy peasy, right?

What you basically have here is one kickbutt, action-packed thrill ride that once again just makes me love the Urban Fantasy genre so much! Add in some smexy romance and you have the makings of one great read!! The characters are all incredibly awesome! Emberly is the kind of Urban Fantasy heroine I enjoy, tough, strong, has a bit of an attitude, but also not without feelings. Then we have Jackson, a dark fae who’s all snarks and laughs with his own dark edge. There was always so much tension between these two. I can never decide if I want them to be together or still hold out hope for Sam to come back around into Emberly’s life. It’s definitely a pickle, but really, it’s hard not to like Jackson!

While my poorly abused memory can’t always remember every book I read, I was still able to follow along rather well with this one. We have the same goal that’s been around for the past two books, so that was a help! Though, as always, new things are being added into the mix that just makes Emberly’s to-do list that much longer.

The ending was definitely a jaw dropper! There was an amazing action pack battle scene happening and there was SO much happening within that! And then just when you think things are over…BAM! A whopper of a cliffhanger! One that leaves you both shocked and emotional! But just remember to think things over. You get the hint too, so there’s that! And I’m cutting myself off from that point before I head into spoiler territory! Let’s just say that the next book will be AMAZING!! Of course, this is Keri Arthur, so I usually expect nothing short of amazing from her!

Keri Arthur brings us yet another amazing Urban Fantasy read that has everything from action to romance bound within its pages! Flameout is not a read to be missed by the paranormal fans, so be sure to check this series out! And remember, start at the beginning with Fireborn! ;)

Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars—again, a minor takeoff because I couldn’t quite remember what had happened beforehand, but that’s just more a me thing! Had I better memory, this would sooo be a 5 star read!

CONTEST TIME!! The publisher has graciously offered up a copy of Flameout to one winner! US & CANADA addresses only please, as this contest is sponsored by them! In order to enter, just leave a meaningful comment on the review ALONG WITH your email address so I can contact you if you win! Have at it! Contest will end July 7th.

Random Thursday

Time for another fun Disney factoid from the Disney desk calendar! This one actually came from earlier this month! I found it interesting and thought I would share it here.

"Rapunzel's long hair presented a unique challenge for Disney animators. To create a sense of free-flowing movement, new computer software was invented. In the end, Rapunzel's hair is made up of 100,000 individually animated strands and is 70 feet long. No wonder it's perfect for playing jump rope!"

I found that to be an interesting little tidbit! Didn't know that Disney made the software for her hair for the movie! That's pretty cool and it was totally awesome too!

Jun 29, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.

Lia and Rafe have escaped Venda and the path before them is winding and dangerous - what will happen now? This third and final book in The Remnant Chronicles is not to be missed.

Bestselling author Mary E. Pearson's combination of intrigue, suspense, romance and action make this a riveting page turner for teens.

Ahh! Such a short description!!! How I wish August was here already! 

TITLE: The Beauty of Darkness
AUTHOR: Mary E. Pearson

PUBLISHER: Henry Holt and Co.
GENRE: Fantasy YA
RELEASE DATE: August 2, 2016

Jun 28, 2016

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by MizB of Books and Beat

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

"I hold up Mr. Walker's empty water bottles. 'I think we felt drugged because we were drugged.'" Kindle loc. 14%*

*Quote comes from eARC therefore it and its location are not final.


TITLE: One Was Lost
AUTHOR: Natalie D. Richards
PUBLISHER: Sourcebooks Fire
GENRE: Thriller/Mystery YA
RELEASE DATE: October 4, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list  that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is: FREEBIE WEEK: Top Ten OCD Bookish Habits

*in no particular order
**I decided to go wayyy back to an earlier topic that I didn't do. Sounds like fun since I have some pretty OCD tendencies! Especially in regards to my books!

1. ALPHABETICAL ORDER--yeah, I'm still old school. My books HAVE to be arranged in alphabetical order based on author's last name. And if they have multiple series, I do put them in order of which series came out first. Though since my books have spread throughout the house, this has become increasingly harder to do, but still, all books are arranged alphabetically.
2. STRAIGHT SPINES--meaning, you bend the spine on my book...and let's just say I'll be bending something of yours! LOL! One time my mom borrow a book and I saw her...I saw her bend the cover ALL THE WAY AROUND TO THE BACK! Ah! I can barely talk about it sometimes...it's too painful!
3. BOOKMARKS--I have to use a bookmark when reading. None of this folding the pages or manipulating the cover to hold a spot. Just no. Nope.
4. CLEAN PAGES--meaning I would never ever ever mark up the pages with highlighters or pencil markings. Heck, I couldn't even really do this in college when I bought my textbooks. I physically cannot do it! The only writing allowed is when the author signs the title page! LOL!
5. MATCHING COVERS--I won't lie, I prefer that my covers match. And I know we can't help but when covers change, but it drives me bonkers!!! I can't stand it! I can't ever remember a time when I thought, "thank God they changed the cover!" It just doesn't happen! Why must covers be changed? Where's the good publicity in that when hundreds of fans are left disappointed by this change?
6. DREADED SIZE CHANGES--okay, harder to describe. Note the picture:
When I first started the Charley Davidson series, the first book was in mass market paperback, upon reading it and loving it, I went out for book 2 and found that it was in Trade paperback, then shortly after that book 3 came out for the first time and it was in hardcover. Most annoying in some ways. I can't be sure why book 2 was in trade paperback instead of mass, but that's what it was at the time and I HAD to have it! No nonsense waiting for me when I was in love with this series. And I didn't feel like going back and rebuying the first two books in hardcover, because eh. Too pricey. Also note, two books later this series did a cover change as well. Sigh...
7. FORMAT CHANGES--even worse, when a beloved series...changes publishers or some such business, where the books you adored buying are no longer being available as a real book, but as an ebook. Granted, sometimes you can buy them as a real paperback and such, but deep down. You know it's not the exact same, but still better to have that option than ebook alone.

Surprisingly that's all I got. I used to have to have all my books on shelves and all the author's books would be next to each other. But due to size constraints and room available, I've had to move books around. Store some of an author's books in one room or another, separate bookcases. It's all madness. We won't even mention what my closet looks like on the top shelf. It's scary. 

Jun 25, 2016


I'll be MIA this weekend as I am going up to my aunt's in Cedarburg, WI for the annual Strawberry Festival!! I missed it last year, but am excited to be going back! There's a lot of neat crafts/vendors at this place! Lots of interesting things to see! And of course strawberries! And strawberry shortcake! And my favorite pizza ever!! LOL!

See you all later!!

Jun 23, 2016

Follow Friday

This is a weekly blog meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read

The Rules:

  • The goal is to increase blog followers, make friends and have something to post.
  • You create your own post using the post prompt.
  • You leave your link and thumbnail in the linky list that links back to your post prompt.
  • Once you have your post up and linked, visit other posts and tell them hi. The point is to FOLLOW them not just comment.
  • If you see a post that just hit it to the moon, or just want to show appreciation to a fellow blogger friend, like their name on the linky list to show some appreciation.
  • The person with the most likes gets chosen as the next Feature (you can be chosen every 90 days unless we are in need of features)
  • It is required that if you participate that you have to follow the FEATURE. It is a big no-no to participate and ignore the feature. They are the special snowflake in this little blizzard.
  • As a participant it is up to your discretion on how you want people to follow. Please post RSS, GFC etc if you have a follow of choice.

Specific RULES:

  • Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  • Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
  • If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn’t have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed FOLLOW as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
  • Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
  • If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers

This week's prompt is: Name One or More Standalone Books You Wish Was a Series

MY ANSWER: May I return to my pick from two weeks ago:

Old Magic by Marianne Curley--It was an incredible read! Yet, I do wonder how it could be made into a series without losing its magic. No pun intended!

Unchained by J. Lynn--this one was meant to be a series of some sort I believe. But it seems to remain a standalone. At least for now! Maybe Jen will change her mind and return to it after awhile!

Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout--yes another JLA book! I loooved Hunter and Serena! And while it was in the Lux world with our favorite alien boy, I wouldn't have minded seeing more of these two! Plus it was definitely more of an adult novel, so it was nice and edgy! Granted all JLA's books are edgy, it was just edgier on adult level! 

And that's where I'll cut myself off! I feel like if I keep thinking about it, I will turn this into a top ten post! LOL!

EEP! Another Cover Reveal--ANNE BISHOP'S Etched in Bone!

New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop returns to her world of the Others, as humans struggle to survive in the shadow of shapeshifters and vampires far more powerful than themselves…

After a human uprising was brutally put down by the Elders—a primitive and lethal form of the Others—the few cities left under human control are far-flung. And the people within them now know to fear the no-man’s-land beyond their borders—and the darkness…

As some communities struggle to rebuild, Lakeside Courtyard has emerged relatively unscathed, though Simon Wolfgard, its wolf shifter leader, and blood prophet Meg Corbyn must work with the human pack to maintain the fragile peace. But all their efforts are threatened when Lieutenant Montgomery’s shady brother arrives, looking for a free ride and easy pickings.

With the humans on guard against one of their own, tensions rise, drawing the attention of the Elders, who are curious about the effect such an insignificant predator can have on a pack. But Meg knows the dangers, for she has seen in the cards how it will all end—with her standing beside a grave.

Once again I find myself behind in this series! Still need to read book 3! Ack! Always behind! Taken a little aback with the new cover model. That's always kinda a downer because I get sooo used to the first one, they BECOME that character they represent. So when there's a new one taking over, it's always a struggle to adjust. At least we're keeping the same style though!

Etched in Bone releases March 7, 2017


OMG Cover Reveals--Higgins & Jordan!

So this week has been packed with tons of cover art reveals and though you likely have seen these already, I HAD to share them here, because they are gorgeous covers! Ironically they're both duologies that I have yet to start because the first book apparently ended in killer cliffhangers! In BOTH of them! Ack! So naturally, I'm holding out til next year to read them!

So let's do a side by side reveal of the duologies! Here's Wendy Higgen's Eurona Duology:

Gorgeous covers all around!! Loving the winter look to the second one! Though from what I've heard, our heroine here isn't really a red-head. But yet, the cover model totally is! Odd that. But seriously, how awesome are these covers? I feel like I'm in the woods with her!

The Great Pursuit releases March 7, 2017! Goodreads has a summary up bur since I need to read the first book, I'm avoiding looking at it for the time being! Click the title to go to Goodreads and read it should you need to! ;)

And now for the Reign of Shadows Duology cover series reveal:

Aren't they pretty? Though I can't help but feel they look too much alike but with some color changes and an almost mirror like reversal with some of the flowers. Despite that, I do still really like this second cover! Another series I need to start, but again, that darn cliffhanger! LOL! There's only so many cliffhangers a girl can handle before going insane. And I'm wayyyy past that point! That's not even mentioning the cliffhangers to series that were...(sob!) cancelled!!

Rise of Fire releases February 7, 2017! Guess I should've gone with this series first, but oh well! LOL! I was thinking alphabetically by author's last name when I did this! Haha! This one has no cover description yet. Yay? Not that I could read it anyway!

So how about it guys? What do you think of these new cover reveals? Have you read either of the first book in these duologies? Was I wise or very strong willed to wait to read them as a complete duology?

Random Thursday

Here's another Disney Factoid for you from my Disney desk calendar! It was a rather recent one too! From the past month I think! Lol.

image borrowed from Disney Wikia

"Kaa the sinister python was voiced by actor Sterling Holloway, who also gave voice to a more trustworthy Disney character: Winnie the Pooh! A personal favorite of Walt Disney, Holloway was declared an official 'Disney Legend' in 1991."

Never knew this, yet when I play back the characters, I totally hear it now!! LOL!

Jun 22, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.

In Victoria Laurie’s new Psychic Eye mystery, Abby Cooper learns that following the money often leads to murder . . .

Professional psychics learn to deal with skeptics, but Abby has to prepare herself for one steep uphill battle when she’s sent to San Diego to help train FBI officers to use their intuition. Her first challenge: a series of bank robberies in which the thieves made off with loads of cash but left no clues.

Abby’s sixth sense leads her team to a tract of land recently cleared for development. But instead of finding clues to the cash, Abby gets a vision of four buried bodies. A site search turns up some bones and pottery from an American Indian tribe, but that’s still enough to delay construction for years.

With a furious developer and dubious FBI agents on her back, Abby is losing credibility fast. But unlike the best laid plans, Abby’s talent rarely leads her astray. And if the bodies aren’t there yet, that means that four deaths can still be stopped. She’ll just have to dig a little deeper . . .

Another of my favorite mystery series, that yes, I'm behind in! LOL! I just need to read the book before this one though! With my series last week I think I'm 2 books behind the new release! Eep!

TITLE: A Grave Prediction
AUTHOR: Victoria Laurie
GENRE: Paranormal Mystery
RELEASE DATE: July 26, 2016

In a world of infinite risk, the stakes have never been so high.

Beyond the pull of life and death lies the Immortal game. Edie Kramer has leaped back to put things right and save the boy she loves. Alone in the wrong timestream, she must reinvent herself and square off against dangerous Immortals determined to win this mortal match once and for all.

But righting past wrongs carries fresh dangers. As she navigates a new school and tries to put Kian on a different path, she also battles those will stop at nothing to keep her from derailing their deadly schemes. With few allies and her first love treating her like a stranger, Edie faces the most dangerous enemy of all―time itself. Yet she's come a long way from that dark night on the bridge, and when her back's to the wall, she'll go down fighting...

The conclusion of New York Times-bestselling author Ann Aguirre's Immortal Game trilogy is thrilling and unforgettable.

The bad part about being behind in this one is that I read Mortal Danger as an ARC! So I'm really going to be flailing when I get around to reading the second book! Pretty much at the point where I'll wait and binge the two! It works out nicer that way! LOL!

TITLE: Infinite Risk
AUTHOR: Ann Aguirre
PUBLISHER: Feiwel & Friends
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: August 2, 2016

Jun 21, 2016



The highly anticipated second book in #1 New York Times Bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout's Wicked Trilogy has a cover! The amazing TORN cover was created by Sarah Hansen from Okay Creations with photography by Kelsey Kukal-Keeton from K Keeton designs. Check it out below! TORN is set to release July 19th. Be sure to grab the first book in the series, WICKED, which is on sale for $.99 for a limited time!


TORN - cover


TORN Synopsis:

Torn between duty and survival, nothing can be the same.

Everything Ivy Morgan thought she knew has been turned on its head. After being betrayed and then nearly killed by the Prince of the Fae, she’s left bruised and devastated—and with an earth-shattering secret that she must keep at all costs. And if the Order finds out her secret, they’ll kill her.

Then there’s Ren Owens, the sexy, tattooed Elite member of the Order who has been sharing Ivy’s bed and claiming her heart. Their chemistry is smoking hot, but Ivy knows that Ren has always valued his duty to the Order above all else—he could never touch her if he knew the truth. That is, if he let her live at all. Yet how can she live with herself if she lies to him?

But as the Fae Prince begins to close in on Ivy, intent on permanently opening the gates to the Otherworld, Ivy is running out of options. If she doesn’t figure out who she can trust—and fast—it’s not only her heart that will be torn apart, but civilization itself.


Things are about to get Wicked in New Orleans…

Don’t miss the first title in the series, WICKED, now just $.99 for a limited time only!


WICKED - cover


Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** Kobo


Author Photo--JLA_J. Lynn 

About Jennifer L. Armentrout:
#1 New York Times and #1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.   

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Novel Goodreads ** Author Goodreads


