So this past weekend on Friday we had some pretty severe and scary storms roll in that prevented me from doing my usual Friday night reading and then it got me thinking about other weather and our ability or inability to read.
Reading & Weather
What kind of weather prevents you from reading comfortably? Clearly me and storms don't work together. Especially the severe kind. I mean I'm good with reading and it's just a regular rain shower or thunderstorm. As long as it's not the severe-get-to-the-basement kind of storm, I can happily read!
I am not much of an outside reader. In St. Louis summer lasts an insanely looooong time. Like we'll probably start seeing upper 80s by the end of next month and I do not clash with anything above 80 degrees. It's just too hot and too humid with where I live. So any summer reading will be done from the comforts of indoors with the AC blowing gently to keep things comfortable.
If it's a nice day with good temperatures and not a whole lot of sun and heat, I can comfortably read outdoors. It's not that I am against it. It's just rare to get an actual "perfect" day to read outside around here. It's either too cold or too hot and if a day comes in between that's decent...well, we might be having storms again, so there goes my anxiety and inability to read! But there is the occasional nice day that can just be a nice day and if it's a day where I have time to read outdoors I would!
What about you? Do you have ideal weather conditions you can read in? Is there weather where you can't read at all for whatever reason? Is it too nice a day to read and you do something else? Let's discuss!