Chicago private investigator Kira Graceling should have just kept on walking. But her sense of duty refused to let her ignore the moans of pain coming from inside a warehouse just before dawn. Suddenly she finds in a world she's only imagined in her worst nightmares.
At the center is Mencheres, a breathtaking Master vampire who thought he'd seen it all. Then Kira appears--this fearless, beautiful...human who braved death to rescue him. Though he burns for her, keeping Kira in his world means risking her life. Yet sending her away is unthinkable.
But with danger closing in, Mencheres must choose either the woman he craves, or embracing the darkest magic to defeat an enemy bent on his eternal destruction.
It was freaking amazing!! Better than just a GREAT read, it was INCREDIBLE!! Eternal Kiss of Darkness was an outstanding edition to the Night Huntress World series!
This seriously blew me away! I loved it from beginning to end and hopping back and forth between Kira and Mecheres p.o.v. in third person was a great way to tell the story through both their eyes.
The beginning, as the BOC says after Kira rescues Mencheres from a dangerous situation had a Beauty and the Beast feel to it, the fairy tale more so than the Disney movie. Where Kira aka "Belle" has to stay with the "Beast" aka Mencheres in his castle or mansion in this case. The reason...can't say. Or won't say. But it that's what popped up in my head. Of course there was no Disney feel to the feelings stirring between the two.
The relationship buildup was great, it was steady at first and then BAM! Hits you right there and then it gets explained away which I love. Kira is now my favorite secondary female character in this World series, well in the World series she is one of the MC but from the Night Huntress series she could be called secondary despite her non-appearance so far. But basically I LOVED her character. She is the perfect strong-willed female that makes the book kick butt. She has her doubts about the vampire thing when exposed to it at first but then accepts it because the proof is right in front of her.
She is quick witted too. She says what she's thinking even if deemed "inappropriate" in the situation. Nothing raunchy, just saying what she thinks. Sort of going with the concept of speaking before thinking, but what she says has value to the situation and makes the other person or vampire as the case may be, stop for a minute.
She is a tough as nails kind of gal with her P.I. experience and she goes through a lot of trying situations.
Mencheres, wow. I didn't really care for him too much in the Night Huntress series, but now I totally feel for the guy because we get inside that head of his to see what he was thinking the whole time. The grief and guilt he still feels over his wife's death that he caused. But Kira is there to help him through it all.
And Vlad even returns! Gotta love that guy and his quirky ways.
The plot itself was good too. The BOC kind of downplays it, but basically someone from Mencheres' long past comes to make his life hell. Which is still downplaying it...but I don't want to ruin it for you.
It was a well-paced book too and the changes of perspective between Kira and Mencheres flowed smoothly. Loved it from beginning to end! Definitely a 5/5 stars!
Also there was a sneak peek at This Side of the Grave that releases February 22, 2011. I skimmed it a little, first scene was WOW! That one I didn't skim as much! ;) But the rest I did, because I knew I would get sucked in and then it would end and then I would have to wait til February for the conclusion. So read at your own risk! On another note I've seen a few little pieces of the cover art for This Side of the Grave that Jeaniene had been posting on her blog and someone tech savvy has put the pieces so far together and already my imagination is roving! It's going to be AWESOME! And be sure to notice the new piece in the corner of the post and visualize where it needs to be!
Also, word is from a friend of mine who was lucky enough to attend one of Jeaniene's signings, that the next Night Huntress World book will feature Vlad!!! And that his story will have to take two books. This is what my friend said, so I so can't wait to read those books! Still hoping there's an Ian book too!
Also she learned that the series will have possibly, possibly, 9 books. It wasn't set in stone. But there won't be a never-ending supply of Night Huntress books basically. There is a ROUGH estimate to its end.
And don't forget about my contest I'm holding! There's only a few days left to enter! Click here for details.
Stay reading!