Hey all! I'm back from my mini vacation to Cedarburg, Wisconsin! And it was GREAT! Not only was the weather beautiful, much better than the upper 90s and humidity that's in St. Louis, but I had a lot of fun!First off to explain the "Hollywood" portion of my blog post. While in Wisconsin I went to Port Washington, which is near Lake Michigan, because they had a few ships at the port and one of them was used in the Pirates movies! I don't know which ship this one was, likely one of the Commanders or something, definitely not The Pearl, nor do I know which movie it was in, other than that it was in at least one of the movies!We didn't ride it, it cost some odd dollars to ride it for awhile. None of us were in the mood since it was still early in the morning and our stomachs just weren't up to handling the waves of the lake. But still, just to see it was awesome!
Next up on my "Hollywood" venture, was the Art Museum in downtown Milwaukee. This is where they did some filming for the upcoming Transformers 3 movie. I haven't seen the second one yet, not sure if I'm seeing this one either. But still, seeing a place where they filmed for a movie is still pretty awesome. And the museum itself wasn't too bad. A little pricey, but luckily I had my student id with me to get a little bit of a price break. Even though I'm no longer a student, oops! But hey, I look it! ;)
This is the museum when it's closed. And this is when it's open. It was pretty cool!This part is called The Burke Brise Soleil.
And here's a pic of the inside where the wings opened up.

Then on Saturday, I went to Bayshore Mall and met Chloe Neill! It was a very small gathering since she was just there to sign books. Very informal. But she still answered questions and whatnot. It was still fun. And I got my books signed! Which is always a treasure! Meet the author and get all her books signed! Yes, Saturday was a very fun day indeed! I also got quite a bit of swag! Gotta love swag!!And finally for the last bit and perhaps the most intriguing part of my blog title...the Vampire Blood! Not too long ago, I saw this on Nicole Peeler's blog and thought, I HAVE to HAVE it!! It's from Bath and Body Works. It's a little bottle of anti-bacterial hand gel and it's called Vampire Blood! How awesome is that?! It's so cute too, nice and tiny! I had to have it, so luckily while at Bayshore Mall, they had a Bath and Body Works so I bought a bottle. Then I went ahead and got one for Chloe too. I made a mad dash back to Barnes and Noble and gave it to her. A Vampire author has to have a bottle of Vampire Blood!
Overall it was an incredibly GREAT weekend! I loved every minute of it. I'm a little glad to be home, but of course it means I have to get back to work soon. I haven't called in yet to get my schedule yet and I do have to admit, I'm putting it off because I don't want it to spoil the remaining hours of my day off. Who knows how much I have to work this week. I didn't get too much reading done even while in the car because I was talking with my "people" ;) driving me and didn't want to be rude since she was the driver and I had to talk her into coming with me this weekend. So I'll be looking for a nice Teaser from that one for tomorrow. Also this week I need to work on some revisions in my current writing piece. I heard back from my friend who read it over and now I need to do another set of revisions and then...pretty soon...I'll be querying for an agent because my story is done, it just needs some tweaking. Wish me luck!See you all tomorrow for Teaser Tuesday!