May 29, 2011

Review--E-ARC The Neon Graveyard by Vicki Pettersson

Once she was a soldier for the Light, the prophesied savior who would decide the outcome of the eternal conflict raging in the dark corners of her glittering hometown.

Now Joanna Archer is just another mortal – still born of an impossible union of Shadow and Light … still hunted by both – and carrying the unborn child of a lover held captive by a depraved demon goddess. Joining forced with a band of rogue Shadow agents, Joanna’s ready to storm the stronghold of her demonic foe, risking everything to enter this ghastly, godforsaken realm. Because in a world that has stripped her of her power, identity, and fortune, Joanna has nothing left to lose – except her baby, her future, and the epic war poised to consume the city.

I received this E-ARC courtesy of NetGalley for review
Vicki Pettersson's The Neon Graveyard is the final installment in her Zodiac series, which I didn't really realize until recently upon receiving the e-galley. As always with books that release only once a year, I found myself struggling to remember the past events, since I read a variety of books, but soon I was back in the flow of things and hanging on.

The action was rather well paced and even when I thought the end might be coming, it really wasn't. Only the current problem had been resolved and there was still more to come. Joanna must save her lover from Midheaven, stop the Tulpa once and for all and save the world while she's at it. And there's still the members of the Light troop who are out to get her, leaded by Warren.

Filled with many surprising twists, this series has been one thrill ride after another. I especially liked the Ophiuchus coming into play, having heard about the "new" Zodiac sign that has been officially added to the original 12. It was rather interesting how Pettersson wove that into the story nicely! 
There was all sorts of action in the book, that it never seemed to end, and Joanna did all this while pregnant! She kicks major butt! The series came to a rather nice ending and I absolutely loved it! Will definitely have to buy a keeper copy to finish up the series on my shelf!

5/5 stars easily!

This title releases May 31, 2011