May 1, 2011

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post hosted by Kirsti over at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.

This week I got from A.P. Fuchs 3 books to review:

Discovery of Death
Memories of Death
Life of Death

Then I also bought:

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

I already read this as an e-ARC but I had to have my own copy to cherish forever since it was so amazing!

Dark Descendant by Jenna Black

Then I also got some stuff that I bought from Kim Harrison's shop Vampiric Charms just before it closed:

I got a Pizza Piscary's T-shirt and 2 new charms to add to my bracelet that I bought when it first came out. My new charms are the Tomato--the second charm from the left and the blue Butterfly--second charm from the right! Love them! Now I have more on my bracelet for next time I see Kim! She's probably one of the very few authors that I buy the most stuff from when she has it!!

I also bought some other book related goodies, but since they're a gift for one of my friends, and I'm not sure if she checks my blog out or not, I can't say what they are since I want them to be a surprise for her graduation gift! But they're book related! Was so glad they finally came, because for awhile it seemed like they were lost in the mail! I was totally freaking out! ;)

And that's what I got this week in my mailbox! What did you get?