Nov 27, 2021

Thanksgiving Book Tag--a bit delayed

So I saw this tag on Thursday at Cornerfolds and though it looked like fun! Naturally Thursday was consumed with food and family and I just didn't have time to create my own post after seeing it. Then yesterday I did a bit of Black Friday shopping and hung out with family again that turned into a late night, so I again didn't get around to doing the post! Since today is moving slower, I thought I'd take the time to do it now! Lol.

Tracy found this tag at Amanda's Book Nook and I borrowed Tracy's above image because I liked it for the tag!


A Book With Characters That Feel Like Family

You all know my love for the Caraval series! I definitely say that this cast of characters is one of my favorites. Not only are Tella and Scarlett sisters, but Julian and Legend are close too. Though they have more hard time than good, I love their dynamic together.

A Book That Fell Flat (Didn't Meet Your Expectations)

One that probably has me blacklisted by a few other bloggers, lol. But sadly, I just couldn't get into Throne of Glass. The book could not hold my attention and despite what I heard about the second one being better, I just couldn't bring myself to read it. I have loved Sarah's other books, so it's only 1 series so far that has been a total loss for me.



A Book You Want to Read Every Year During This Season

This is harder for me as I'm not really a re-reader these days. Too many new books I need to read for the first time to go back and re-read something again. I'm also not really a "seasonal" reader. I won't choose books with any sort of season/holiday theme. If it happens, it happens, but I don't actually have my books match the time of year I'm in. But I chose Caraval just because I could re-read that trilogy pending time anytime of year!

A Book With A Bird In It

I honestly could not think of a single book where there was a prominent bird in it. If one popped up, it wasn't a bird of importance or during a key moment. So I chose Hunt because he's a fallen angel with wings, and you know, wings-bird. Close enough, right? Lol.

A Book That Made Your Eyes Glaze Over (Boring)

I technically should have loved this one since it was a The Beauty and the Beast retelling. But sadly it did not hold my attention. In fact, my eyes might have actually glazed over in boredom with this one. I ended up skimming pages just to get the gist of what happened in the end.

A Book That Melted Your Heart And Made You Feel Warm

I know! Right? Lol. But just returning to this world again, seeing familiar faces and of course, Jacks, just made me feel all warm and happy! I could not get enough of this book!

A Book With A White Cover

Since I didn't want to choose Crush as well, I went with the standard edition of How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories.

A Book You're Not Totally Sure Why You Love, But You Do

Generally, I know why I love a book I've read, but for whatever reason I'm still baffled by how much I enjoyed The Count of Monte Cristo!

A Dessert Book You Love

I too, don't really know what a "dessert" book is, so I took Tracy's cue and went with a sweet and fluffy book! The Best Kind of Magic was a cutesy sweet story filled with love, magic, and a bit of mystery!

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