Nov 3, 2021

Comic Review--Scooby Apocalypse Vol. 5 by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Pat Olliffe, and Tom Palmer

The loss of one of one of the most beloved team members is just the beginning in Scooby Apocalypse Vol. 5. And if they don't get over their grief in a hurry, Scooby and the gang are going to have to bury a lot more of their friends...if there's anything left to bury!

Months after one of their own made the ultimate sacrifice, the surviving members of Mystery Inc. have carved out a new life for themselves and other escapees from the nanite plague. Running a refugee community would be a challenge in the best of circumstances, and there's nothing ideal about a world of monster attacks, supply shortages and the return of the bloodthirsty Scrappy-Doo, who's got a bone to pick with all of Mystery Inc.--especially Scooby-Doo!

Writers Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis (Justice League International) and artists including Pat Olliffe (Spider-Girl) and Tom Palmer (The Avengers) tell Scooby-Doo stories unlike any you've seen before! Plus, Giffen and DeMatteis team up with stellar artists to reveal the shocking origin of the legendary Secret Squirrel! Collecting Scooby Apocalypse #25-30.


While between reads I decided to pick up Scooby Apocalypse Volume 5 by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Pat Olliffe, and Tom Palmer. It'd been a loooong time since I last read these comics, but I found myself easily able to get back into the swing of things! Funny how that's easier to do with comics then novels, but whatever!

There are six issues combined in this volume, which made it so much nicer to read since there are cliffhangers galore at the end of these comics! When I last read the series, the gang had just lost Fred and Daphne is now struggling to move on with life after he was gone. The gang was able to build a safe haven in the abandon mall and things are starting to work towards a normal, yet there are still monsters out there who are attacking people. There's still evil to fight even if they don't know where the evil is at.

I forgot how hard it is to review a comic! They're short and you can't really focus too much on the plot because it moves so quickly and soon enough you're in spoiler territory! 

We knew that Scrappy Doo was still alive, and I was happy to see his character return to the gang, though he doesn't do what you would expect. Unless you're expecting the unexpected! Honestly, things were moving at such a nice pace and the few cliffhangers that were happening in the middle were nothing to drive me crazy and then I read the last issue of the compilation and holy cow! 

Needless to say that this series continues to surprise me, even two years later after I started reading the comics!

You can really notice the different styles between the artists. I find that I don't really have a favorite among them as it's just interesting to see what Mystery Inc would look like in a post-apocalyptic setting. The drawings are edgy, yet stunning. The action scenes are draw so well, you can almost see them in motion!

The short story that tends to happen after the Scooby story continues to involve Secret Squirrel. I can't remember what was happening with this storyline as well as Scooby, but again, with comics, it's just so much easier to get back into the swing of things! I can't wait to see how things will wrap up in the next set of issues!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars