Sep 30, 2015

Review--The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent

Sixteen-year-old Nina Kane should be worrying about her immortal soul, but she's too busy trying to actually survive. Her town's population has been decimated by soul-consuming demons, and souls are in short supply. Watching over her younger sister, Mellie, and scraping together food and money are all that matters. The two of them are a family. They gave up on their deadbeat mom a long time ago.

When Nina discovers that Mellie is keeping a secret that threatens their very existence, she'll do anything to protect her. Because in New Temperance, sins are prosecuted as crimes by the brutal Church and its army of black-robed exorcists. And Mellie's sin has put her in serious trouble.

To keep them both alive, Nina will need to trust Finn, a fugitive with deep green eyes who has already saved her life once and who might just be an exorcist. But what kind of exorcist wears a hoodie?

Wanted by the Church and hunted by dark forces, Nina knows she can't survive on her own. She needs Finn and his group of rogue friends just as much as they need her.

Rachel Vincent brings us something new and different with her latest YA series starter, The Stars Never Rise. Here we have a futuristic setting where the Church basically governs the US. Things couldn’t be more different, for the Church truly decides everything for you in life.

Nina and her sister Melanie have been on their own for what feels like forever. Their mother is a drug addict and is basically as neglectful as you can get, and their father passed away so long ago. They are basically on their own in a sense. Nina does everything she can to put food on the table and clothes on their back. And Nina truly does go to extreme lengths to keep her and sister living.

I admired Nina for the things she had to do. It wasn’t pretty but when the other option is to starve or even be put into Church custody due to having an unfit parent, well, it does seem like the better option.

Demons run amok outside the town walls, which is why no one ever crosses the barrier that protects the town. Then one day, Nina is attacked by a demon. Luckily an exorcist was nearby and was able to help her out, though, oddly enough, Nina held her own. And it’s then that Nina starts to learn a thing or two about things she never thought possible.

This was a very intriguing read! I loved all the secrets and suspense that surrounded Nina’s life. And seriously, these secrets are so unbelievable! In a good way that is! You never see them coming and then they even present new possible problems for Nina.

Nina meets a group of exorcists, who are basically teenagers like herself. Among them is Finn, who is the guy who rescued her. And naturally, sparks fly. But Finn has a secret (see even MORE secrets!). And it’s a big one! I still don’t quite “get it” in a sense, but I think we’re supposed to be confused at this point. I can’t say why, because of spoilers obviously.

When Nina learns that her sister’s life is in danger, she’s ready to do whatever it takes to save her. But Nina’s life is in even more danger, as the Church is using all the manpower possible to get her.

The Stars Never Rise was a pretty fast paced novel. I was reading through the pages as quickly as possible to see what the outcome of the major events would lead to and before I knew it, it was over! Gasp! Sometimes, “THE END” are the worst words ever! LOL! Needless to say this was one read that I did not want to put down at all.

The characters were just as awesome! Nina is an enjoyable heroine. I like that she doesn’t just blissfully believes the new information that gets thrown her way. She questions it, but still is able to truly realize it’s the truth. Finn was also incredible! And yes, swoon-worthy! Though I feel like we don’t get to know him as well. Due to the fast pacing of the novel, there wasn’t a whole lot of time for him and Nina to form those kinds of connections, but I think we’ll get that next time!

The Stars Never Rise is a delightfully surprising read that will sure to keep you gripping the spine and turning the pages as fast as you can to see the ultimate end…and then join the rest of us who are breathlessly waiting for the next book!

Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars

Waiting on Wednesday

I hate waiting...
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.

Princess Winter is admired by the Lunar people for her grace and kindness, and despite the scars that mar her face, her beauty is said to be even more breathtaking than that of her stepmother, Queen Levana.

Winter despises her stepmother, and knows Levana won’t approve of her feelings for her childhood friend–the handsome palace guard, Jacin. But Winter isn’t as weak as Levana believes her to be and she’s been undermining her stepmother’s wishes for years. Together with the cyborg mechanic, Cinder, and her allies, Winter might even have the power to launch a revolution and win a war that’s been raging for far too long.

Can Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter defeat Levana and find their happily ever afters?

Winter is coming...!

EEE! Sorry couldn't resist saying that! LOL! So can't wait to see how this series all ends! Definitely think this is my favorite cover out of the series as well! So pretty!!!

TITLE: Winter
AUTHOR: Marissa Meyer

PUBLISHER: Feiwel and Friends
GENRE: Sci-Fi/Fantasy YA
RELEASE DATE: November 10, 2015

Sep 29, 2015


As you all know I LOVE Maria V. Snyder's books! And it's my great pleasure to announce that Poison Study is celebrating its 10th Birthday! Yes, 10 years ago, Poison Study came into the world, and made it a little bit brighter, if I do say so myself! ;)

I remember reading this one probably a year after its release. Amazon had recommended Magic Study to me, and when I saw it's original cover, I was stunned! So much so, that I immediately looked into its FIRST book--because naughty Amazon decides to recommend a book 2 without saying anything about book 1--and immediately bought the book! From Borders, naturally! And I started reading it, and kept reading it, and basically shunned whatever Freshman college work I had at the moment. (Okay, maybe that's a stretch!) I remember reading it in the car as we took a road trip and basically tuned everyone out as I kept reading until it got dark and cursed myself for not having a booklight!

Needless to say, this read stuck with me! And I loved it oh so much! It was one I even re-read after a time or too, before I grew a TBR pile 5 years later! LOL! It was an amazing and incredible read! I have since come to collecting every edition I can find of this book! Still need for the publishers to actually publish the newest version in paperback! Fix this "cancelled" I see on Goodreads too. 

 Choose: A quick death . . . or slow poison.

About to be executed for murder, Yelena is offered an extraordinary reprieve. She’ll eat the best meals, have rooms in the palace—and risk assassination by anyone trying to kill the Commander of Ixia.

And so Yelena chooses to become a food taster. But the chief of security, leaving nothing to chance, deliberately feeds her Butterfly’s Dust—and only by appearing for her daily antidote will she delay an agonizing death from the poison.

As Yelena tries to escape her new dilemma, disasters keep mounting. Rebels plot to seize Ixia and Yelena develops magical powers she can’t control. Her life is threatened again and choices must be made. But this time the outcomes aren’t so clear. . . .

Maria V. Snyder changed from being a meteorologist to a novelist in 1995, when she began writing to keep her sanity while raising two children. Since then, she has published numerous freelance articles in magazines and newspapers, and teaches fiction-writing classes at the local college and area libraries. The classes give her the wonderful opportunity to encourage fellow writers, and to keep improving her craft.

Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Maria always had a fascination with big storms. Dreaming of chasing tornados, Maria earned a bachelors of science degree in meteorology at Penn State University. But she discovered, much to her chagrin, that forecasting the weather wasn't one of her skills. In order to chase tornados you had to predict where they might form. Creating fantasy worlds where she has complete control of the weather was more agreeable to her.

Maria's research on food-tasting methods with an expert chocolate taster, her husband, turned out to be a delicious bonus while writing Poison Study.

Maria has a brown belt in Isshinryu Karate, and enjoys playing volleyball and the cello. Traveling in general and via cruise ship in particular are her biggest distractions from writing. Maria has traveled to Belize, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Europe, Mexico, the Caribbean and through the Panama Canal.

Maria lives with her husband, son, daughter and yellow lab, Hazelnut, in Pennsylvania where she is at work on more LUNA novels. She is also pursuing a master's degree in writing popular fiction from Seton Hill University.

Readers are welcome to contact Maria at the following email address: -->For realises! I emailed Maria tons over the years and she's always replied!

Now here's a special treat/excerpt for you! Be prepared to be delighted and excited with this taste! And be sure to note the word in red, for it will help you out with the contest below!!

We stopped. Through squinted eyes I saw a staircase. In an effort to get my foot onto the first step, I tripped over the chains and fell. The guards dragged me up. The rough edges of the stone steps dug into my skin, peeling away exposed flesh on my arms and legs. After being pulled through two sets of thick metal doors, the guards dumped me onto the floor. Sunlight stabbed between my eyes. I shut them tight as tears spilled down my cheeks. It was the first time that I had seen daylight in seasons. 

This is it, I thought, starting to panic. But the knowledge that my execution would end my miserable existence in the dungeon calmed me. 

Yanked to my feet again, I followed the guards blindly. My body itched from insect bites and from sleeping on dirty straw. I stunk of rat. Given only a small ration of water, I didn’t waste it on baths. 

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked around. The walls were bare, without the fabled gold sconces and elaborate tapestries I had learned about that decorated the castle’s main hallways. The cold stone floor was worn smooth in the middle. We were probably traveling along the hidden corridors used solely by the servants and guards. As we passed two open windows, I glanced out with a hunger that no food could satisfy. 

The bright emerald of the grass made my eyes ache. Trees wore cloaks of leaves. Flowers laced the footpaths and overflowed from barrels. The fresh breeze smelled like an expensive perfume, and I breathed deeply. After the acidic smells of excrement and body odor, the taste of the air was like drinking a fine wine. Warmth caressed my skin, replacing the eternally damp and chilly dungeon air. 

I guessed it was the beginning of the hot season, which meant that I had been locked in the cell for five seasons, one season shy of a full year. It seemed an excessively long time for someone scheduled for execution. 

Winded from the effort of marching with my feet chained, I was finally led into a spacious office. Maps of the Territory of Ixia and the lands beyond completely covered the walls. Piles of books on the floor made walking a straight line difficult. Candles in various stages of use generously littered the room, singe marks evident on several papers that had gotten too close to the candle’s flame. A large wooden table, strewn with documents and ringed by half a dozen chairs, occupied the center of the room. At the back of the office a man sat at a desk. Behind him a square window gaped open, permitting a breeze to blow through his shoulder length hair. 

I shuddered, causing the chains to clink musically. From the whispered conversations between prison cells, I had determined that the condemned prisoner was taken to an official to formally confess his or her crime before being hanged. 

Wearing black pants and a black shirt with two red diamonds stitched on the collar, the man at the desk wore the uniform of an advisor to the Commander. His pallid face held no expression. As his sapphire-blue eyes scanned me, they widened slightly in surprise. 

Suddenly conscious of my appearance, I glanced down at my tattered red prison gown and dirty bare feet roughened with yellow calluses. Dirt-streaked skin showed through the rips in the thin fabric. My long black hair hung in greasy clumps. Sweat soaked, I swayed under the weight of the chains. 


Be sure to check out the rest of the tour for more chances to win fabulous prizes!!!

Week One:
9/28/2015-Magical Urban Fantasy ReadsScavenger Hunt
9/29/2015- a GREAT readScavenger Hunt
9/30/2015- Seeing Double In NeverlandScavenger Hunt
10/1/2015- Two Chicks on BooksGuest Post
10/2/2015- Alice MarvelsScavenger Hunt

Week Two:
10/5/2015- FiktshunScavenger Hunt
10/6/2015- Read Now Sleep LaterScavenger Hunt
10/7/2015- Mundie MomsGuest Post
10/8/2015- Tales of the Ravenous ReaderScavenger Hunt
10/9/2015- ParajunkeeScavenger Hunt

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays
Here are the rules:
1. Grab your current read      
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc

"'I'm not going anywhere with you.' Well, anywhere other than the dark, creepy, abandoned warehouse I'd already followed him into." p 122


TITLE: The Stars Never Rise
AUTHOR: Rachel Vincent

PUBLISHER: Delacorte Press
GENRE: Paranormal YA
RELEASE DATE: June 9, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list  that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is:  Ten Books To Read If You Like Cinder!

*in no particular order

**So for this I am basically picking other beloved fairy tales retold! Some in totally unique ways like Cinder, and others that might be more retelling yet in the classical sense! Though none of these will have the Sci-Fi feel!

1. SNOW by Tracy Lynn--a classical retelling of Snow White, yet still with some different twists!
2. SCARLET MOON by Debbie Viguie--a Little Red Riding Hood retelling with a nice werewolf twist! This was among the first ones like that that I ever read!
3. THE WRATH AND THE DAWN by Renee Ahdieh--a nice classic retelling of A Thousand and One Nights!

4. GRIM edited by Christine Johnson--a beautiful collection of fairy tales retold! The way they should be...dark and grim! ;)
5. A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES by Sarah J. Maas--an amazing retelling of Beauty and the Beast but add in the fae! 
6. NOCTURNE by Syrie James--another retelling of Beauty and the Beast, at least that's how I saw it! Though the Beast is definitely a different variety...and that's all I say before I get to talking too much!

7. PRINCESS OF THORNS by Stacey Jay--this one's not so much of a retelling, but you could call it a "sequel" of sorts. As this one tells the tale of Sleeping Beauty's daughter and her misadventures that involve curses and princes and evil fairies!
8. ENCHANTED by Alethea Kontis--a uniquely retold tale of the Frog Prince! Alethea plans on writing a full series with all 7 sisters getting a chance in the spotlight! We're up to 3 so far! And I'm behind by 1!
9. STRANDS OF BRONZE AND GOLD by Jane Nickerson--a retelling of the Bluebeard fairy tale. If it's even called one. But we all know how bizarre that story was! This was sort of a "newer" version of the tale as the time period isn't as old as the original, but it's still set in the past!

10. BRIAR ROSE by Jana Oliver--a wonderfully retold version of Sleeping Beauty! It was done in ways I couldn't even imagine! I adored this one!


Sep 28, 2015

Boston Teen Author Festival Recap +CONTEST!

Hey all! Going to make this a quick recap, as I am like 99% done with my unpacking! Just got a few more items to put away and then I am done! And everything is back to normal until the next major trip! LOL!

So I went to the Boston Teen Author Festival for the very first time! There were a handful of authors attending and I think I've read or will read about half of them! 2 were debut authors whose books are in my TBR trunk. Or well, technically outside of it! LOL!

My main reason for going was to meet Amelia Atwater-Rhodes! As many of you might know she was the VERY FIRST paranormal YA author I ever read! She started my OBSESSION of paranormal YA books! I ADORED Demon in my View! It was and still remains my favorite book of hers! She also inspired me to write my own stories way back then and I was basically a jittery fangirling mess when I got to meet her!!

 Me & Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

(left) Me & Renee Ahdieh  (right) Me & Mackenzi Lee

Sadly, I wasn't able to get a picture with every author I got to see. But that's the trouble of traveling alone! There's not always some right there to take a picture for you. And then I don't want to tag someone down and interrupt their line waiting process! LOL!

But onto the giveaway! Sadly, it will be US only since I have to ship it myself, but I have here for one lucky person a SIGNED copy of Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch! You know, the book that doesn't release for 2 WEEKS?!

So this will be a short giveaway, in order to attempt to get it out before release day, but since it's still a SIGNED copy, that's a plus and worth waiting for! ;)

So just enter the rafflecopter and you're all good to go!! Good luck!

EDIT: My question I asked was meant to be Have you read SNOW LIKE ASHES yet? What did you think? This is what happens when you hurriedly write a contest post before dinner and you're starving! LOL!

Review--Survive the Night by Danielle Vega

We're all gonna die down here. . . .

Julie lies dead and disemboweled in a dank, black subway tunnel, red-eyed rats nibbling at her fingers. Her friends think she’s just off with some guy—no one could hear her getting torn apart over the sound of pulsing music.

In a tunnel nearby, Casey regrets coming to Survive the Night, the all-night underground rave in the New York City subway. Her best friend Shana talked her into it, even though Casey just got out of rehab. Alone and lost in the dark, creepy tunnels, Casey doesn’t think Survive the Night could get any worse . . .
. . . until she comes across Julie’s body, and the party turns deadly.

Desperate for help, Casey and her friends find themselves running through the putrid subway system, searching for a way out. But every manhole is sealed shut, and every noise echoes eerily in the dark, reminding them they’re not alone.

They’re being hunted.
Trapped underground with someone—or something—out to get them, Casey can’t help but listen to her friend’s terrified refrain: “We’re all gonna die down here. . . .” in this bone-chilling sophmore novel by the acclaimed author of The Merciless.

Danielle Vega's Survive the Night was yet another creeptastic and surprising read! As the story started out I thought we'd be seeing another horror themes but Danielle completely surprised me with this one! It got pretty terrifying for the last 1/3 of the novel.

Casey just got out of rehab for drug overdose. It was a sad story of sorts. Casey was a soccer star and had a lot going for her. Then she injures her leg and is out for the season. While in the hospital she meets and befriends Shana. Through Shana, Casey loses a part of herself. She doesn't really realize this though. Soon she starts popping painkillers even when she doesn't need them and Shana's bad girl ways continue to fuel and strengthen the habit. And it's because of Shana, Casey ended up overdosing and was sent to rehab.

Though when our story begins, Casey doesn't seem 100% ready to change. She ditches her old friends to join Shana and the girls at a club where her ex-boyfriend is playing. Naturally, she still longs for him, especially since she was the "dumpee".

Soon the group of friends find themselves looking for the elusive Survive the Night party, because it's all the rage! That's when trouble starts to brew. Firstly, you cannot leave the party until sunrise or some such time. But when the police break it up early that's not the issue. Getting out it.

Before we're halfway through, Casey finds one of her friends dead. Murdered. It's pretty gory. And when the friends try to leave, they find themselves lost and no viable exits.

Word on the street is that there's a murderer on the loose. Someone was found dead and missing body parts at a previous party. Which this info only ante ups the danger. But what the group doesn't realize is how very real the danger is.

This read was far creepier than Danielle's first book. But you don't realize how creepy until maybe the last third of the novel. The pages start flying by because you want to see if Casey and her friends will make it out alive. Answers are truly never clear, but that's almost a positive thing here, because it adds to the insanely creepy mystery. Though I do still wonder about the "mystery". An answer never really became clear for part of it. But it almost seems nonsensical in the light of day.

It's funny too, not that long ago I was watching this old 90s horror movie on TV, I even saw it as a kid--terrified me then, not so much now! Yay! Anyway, I felt reminded of that movie, though the setting was different. I won't mention the movie for obvious spoiler reasons, but it's odd that I thought of said movie when I had watched it months ago. I swear there was another read somewhere in between all these books that also reminded me of the same movie!! I think I even met that author this year and asked her about it, but if I recall, that movie played no part in her inspiration. It was truly just a coincidence! Luckily, I'll meet Danielle soon and I can ask her about this then!

Survive the Night is not for the faint of heart. It's quite terrifying because a lot of the story happens in total darkness underground! Everything is always far creepier when you can't see what's coming at you! Its ending will leave you chilled! So be sure to leave a light on! *winks*

Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars

Sep 25, 2015


Hey all! Just wanted to say that I will be MIA this weekend! I am going to BOSTON!! I'll be attending the Boston Teen Author Festival!

Hoping to meet up with a few of you bloggers! So tweet me or shoot me an email to let me know! See you all Monday!

Sep 24, 2015

Follow Friday

This is a weekly blog meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read.

Here are the general rules to Follow Friday:

1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts and any one else you want to follow on the list  
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
8. If your new to the follow Friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

This week's question is: If you could have any job, what would you do? - Suggested by Peace Love Books

MY ANSWER: Well besides being a published author...I would LOVE to be a proofreader for one of the publishers who basically publishes my favorite books! Since there are so many, and I can never keep straight who's a division of who, I'm not sure which house would be my "dream house"! LOL! But yes, proofreading the books before they get published would be the ultimate dream! 

Again, after being a published author myself that is! ;)


Review--The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich

Debut author Dawn Kurtagich is dead on in this terrifying psychological thriller!

Over two decades have passed since the fire at Elmbridge High, an inferno that took the lives of three teenagers. Not much was known about the events leading up to the tragedy - only that one student, Carly Johnson, vanished without a trace...

...until a diary is found hidden in the ruins.

But the diary, badly scorched, does not belong to Carly Johnson. It belongs to Kaitlyn Johnson, a girl who shouldn't exist Who was Kaitlyn? Why did she come out only at night? What is her connection to Carly?

The case has been reopened. Police records are being reexamined: psychiatric reports, video footage, text messages, e-mails. And the diary.

The diary that paints a much more sinister version of events than was ever made publicly known.

My initial reaction after finishing Dawn Kurtagich’s debut, The Dead House, was…that was bizarre! This book was so unique from beginning to end that I am left shocked and tongue tied to explain my feelings and reactions! But I shall do my best!

The Dead House tells the story of what happened to Carly Johnson and her sister, Kaitlin. First off, you must know that Carly and Kaitlin share the same body. They are two souls in one body where Carly gets to “live” in the day and Kaitlin “lives” in the night. It’s always been this way. We learn their story primarily through journal entries and other little notes that they pass to each other. But there are also other accounts to read through, like video recordings, taped interview transcripts, notes from their doctor, and other little newspaper clippings. It was by far, the most unique book I’ve ever read.

What was quite relieving to see was that the notes and such are arranged in chronological order for the most part! That being said, I do advise you to pay attention to the black tabs above the pages. As most of them will countdown to a major event that happens at the end, but you will notice there are some transcripts of interviews and such that happen AFTER the event! So while not in complete order of events, it’s still arranged in a way where you can follow all the BEFORE clips and pieces fairly easily.

The story itself was pretty weird too. And I’m all about the weird! It’s hard to get into what the plot was about without getting close to spoilers and such, but the general idea is that something strange is happening with Carly and Kaitlin. There’s possible paranormal activity, but what with the notes coming in from their doctor, you almost wonder what’s real and what’s not. It’s a book that really spins your head around.

At the same time though, it’s not overly confusing theories to grasp. In an odd way, you could compare it to LOST in some aspects. Just that overall bizarreness and oddity that that show was. One I have yet to actually finish myself. I think I stopped watching when there were 2 seasons to go. Time traveling just made that show even more confusing. But somewhere in the middle of all that, you were able to grasp what you were watching, though trying to explain to someone who has never seen it, is near impossible. And that’s pretty much what I can say about this book. You understand and follow along as you’re reading, but to describe things to “outsiders”, well, that part might be a little difficult. At least I am finding it to be so.

What you need to know that basically this book was awesome! There were some creepy moments, lots of them. And the most creepiest part of it all, is not knowing which parts are real and which ones are fake. And that definitely says something about a fictional book! LOL!

I definitely think you could throw the genre, psychological thriller along with paranormal read when categorizing this one! Because this seriously was one twisted read, in the most enjoyable of ways! If you’re ready to take on one of the most thrilling, bizarre and downright, creepiest reads of the year…then get thee to a bookstore asap! The Dead House is a read that will chill you to your core, and craving for more!

Overall Rating 4.5/5 stars


Random Thursday

Still have yet to uncover any other interesting tidbits from reading things online or elsewhere. Nothing Disney fun at least. Sigh...

So let's continue on with That's a Fact Jack: A Collection of Utterly Useless Information [Updated] by Harry Bright and Jakob Anser!

"Unlike other fruits, cranberries do not show their ripeness with color. Instead, they are sorted by bouncing: good cranberries bounce and bad ones don't."

That's definitely a new to me fact!

Sep 23, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday

I hate waiting...
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly blog post by Jill over at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights releases we're eagerly awaiting.

When a dastardly Pickleman plot comes to fruition, only Sophronia can save her friends, her school, and all of London...but at what cost? Our proper young heroine puts her training and skills to the test in this highly anticipated conclusion of the rousing, intriguing, and always polished New York Times bestselling Finishing School series!

VASTLY behind on this series but I am looking forward to seeing how it all wraps up! Now, I just need to get caught up before it releases!

TITLE: Manners & Mutiny
AUTHOR: Gail Carriger
PUBLISHER: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
GENRE: Steampunk YA
RELEASE DATE: November 3, 2015