Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!
It's the Birthday palooza haul!!! What a week it was too!! I got to have my Birthday off as a "gift" from my work. And it was a paid day too! So yay!! Got lots of goodies for my birthday and just regular things during the week too, plus two trades came in and mine were sent off and should be arriving tomorrow and already arrived as far as tracking goes!
So let's break things down! Here's what I bought this week:
Crystal Kingdom by Morgan Rhodes
Forever, Again by Victoria Laurie
The Witch's Halloween Hero by Kristen Painter--already read and reviewed!
Obsidian Blade by Morgan Rhodes--two words. MORE. MAGNUS!
Scooby Doo Apocalypse Issue #8 by Jim DeMatteis & Keith Giffen, Ill. by Howard Porter, Dale Eaglesham, & Ron Wagner--No, I haven't started this comic series yet! I need to though!!
Heartless by Marissa Meyer--THE OWLCRATE SPECIAL EDITION COPY!! I found out that Owlcrate had a few extras of these pretties, so I immediately bought one!! It's gorgeous! I had told myself to forget about this beauty, it just wasn't meant to be and then BAM! I see the notice and I quickly and successfully bought a copy!!
The Turn by Kim Harrison (ARC)--More Hollows?! Yes please!! It's a prequel to one of my very favorite series!!! SQUEE!
Blue Blooded by Amanda Carlson (ARC)--Jessica is back!!! Hurrah!!!
Violet Grenade by Victoria Scott (ARC)
Violet Grenade by Victoria Scott (ARC)
THANK YOU Gallery Books, Edelweiss, Annie & Amanda, Entangled Teen, and Netgalley!!
Two trades that I made this week also arrived, and just as I was trying to take a picture of the second, my camera battery died. Blah! Luckily I found a picture of it on Goodreads, so it will have to do!
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton (ARC)--original cover! I loooved this cover and was a tad sad it was changed, but the new one is still just as nice, but I, again, decided I wanted to have the original!
Dream a Little Dream by Kerstin Gier (ARC)--original cover! I STILL need to read this one but I always thought this cover was so cool!!
THANK YOU Rachel & Brad!!
Then I got to open my December box from my OTSPSecretSister which was a sort of Birthday/Xmas combo one! Here's what I got:
The Bargaining by Carly Anne West
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova
Down with the Shine by Kate Karyus Quinn
Vanilla Sugar Scrub
a Q&A Journal
Post its and tab markers
a necklcae
a map of some sort...I think it ties to Labyrinth Lost, but I'm not positive
THANK YOU Secret Sister!!
Then after a few mishaps, I finally received my Nemesis preorder gift from Anna Banks:
BATH BOMBS!! I still need to use them, but they're so cool!!
Then some Birthday goodies I received that were somewhat bookish and bookish were:
The Scooby Doo Gang Funko Pops!
Amazon giftcard
a bracelet
a necklace
a close up of the necklace: it's hand painted and the the constellation is my zodiac sign; Sagittarius!
a close up of the bracelet: it's gold and black beaded with cute little skulls--because skulls are always cute when on jewelry! LOL! It's also one of those bracelets that wraps around!
a gorgeous StoriArts scarf that has script from PETER PAN on it!!
And that was my awesome haul from my Birthday week! What did you all get?