This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: How do you choose the next book to read? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)
MY ANSWER: It kind of depends. If I have review books, I try to give those priority. Other times, if I know I am going to an author signing, I will get myself as caught up as possible with that author's series.
If I am falling behind in a challenge I'll try to read a book that will apply to that. Or if there's just a book I am dying to read I will pick that one up!
Other times if I am needing help in deciding what to read, I turn to my TBR jars. Yes, jars!! I have one that has books I want to read right away, one that is for creepy reads, and then my all over TBR jar...which was the original one to begin with! The other two came later!