Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"Another finger pokes through the dirt...soon an entire hand. There's a dull gray tint to the skin, and my heart leaps with excitement." p. 34
TITLE: A Mad Zombie Party
AUTHOR: Gena Showalter
PUBLISHER: Harlequin Teen
GENRE: YA Paranormal
RELEASE DATE: September 29, 2015
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week's topic is: Cover Redesigns I Loved/Hated (submitted by Rachelle @ Shell’s Stories)
*in no particular order
10. THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski--like many a reader, I was not a fan when the publishers wanted to change the cover theme at the FINAL book of the series! I mean, who does that?! It happens, obviously, but yeah I was more a fan of the original covers!
9. FIFTH GRAVE PAST THE LIGHT by Darynda Jones--I really liked the cover theme the first four books had! It was edgy, it let you see who Charley was. The new covers were just blah. Just some random thing or another. The skull cameo was still cute to have, but the original covers will always be my fave.
8. THE ETERNITY CURE by Julie Kagawa--obviously I'm more of a fan of covers with people on them. I feel like it connects you to the characters in that way...pending that it's a semi- to actual accurate representation! Lol. The new look for the Blood of Eden series was just so blah!
7. SOME GIRLS BITE by Chloe Neill--what drew me to the original cover in the first place was that it was clearly a vampire book and had a heroine wearing JEANS and regular ol' tank top! She was totally relatable! Granted the covers eventually turned to our leather-clad Merit, which was fine, because she was actually wearing the leather pants and such later on, but not so in the first book. Then look what happened with the re-release in mass market paperback version. 😑
6. INTO THE DIM by Janet B. Taylor--I loved loved loved the cover art that was on the ARC cover! Again, I'm a people cover person! Lol. The new version was just kind of meh. I wasn't really sure why there was a change for the paperback, but of the new two, I did like that one a tad more as it was befitting to the title!
5. DOOMED by Tracy Deebs--yet another ARC cover that was rockin! I loved this one! It totally said to me apocalyptic type story! The green borders with the techy/computer type graphic going on does make it seem like technology will be involved. Then when the book is released we get this...pressing a BUTTON! I did not like it! Thankfully, I had found the ARC for myself at an event shortly thereafter!
4. AN EMBER IN THE ASHES by Sabaa Tahir--yes, I am missing the original paperback which was also different, but I didn't care for that one, so we're skipping it! Lol. I liked the original hardcover. It was sort of mysterious and yet telling of an amazing fantasy! Then the new covers were done and I was blown away! As I said, I like people on the covers and these covers were just A-MAZING!
3. OBSIDIAN by Jennifer L. Armentrout--I pretty much liked all these covers! Yes, the first one is my favorite! Pepe is definitely my favorite cover model! Lol. The second one wasn't too different from the first, so I liked it fine! The new covers are really pretty too! I love all the colors, I'm only sadden that Pepe is no longer featured.
2. ZERO REPEAT FOREVER by G.S. Prendergast--the original cover wasn't bad, I distantly recall the dandelion being symbolic somehow in the story. I can't really recall how though. But then this new cover look...whoa! True, Raven is more silhouette than anything but still clearly a person on the cover! Also love the dystopic scenery we have going on!
1. THE SHADOW PRINCE by Bree Despain--another cover evolution! The ARC cover wasn't bad...it was just confusing! The series title is bigger than the book title...I originally wasn't sure what the title was and how to refer to it. Then the cover was redesigned and I liked it a lot more! It had the same feel but with clarity...and shadowy figures! Then the paperback changed the scheme again! That one probably falls more in my middle category, while our Shadow Prince was a feature character in the book, it wasn't solely about him. I still liked the cover look, just not as much as the original hardcover, but still better than the original ARC!