Jul 25, 2010

In My Mailbox

Little late to be putting up my IMM post, but it's due to the power being out at my house since late last night. It came back around midday but I was out doing family things since I had relatives in town this weekend.

Mailbox isn't too full, but my TBR pile is high and will be even taller for next Sunday when all my Tuesday releases come out!

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post created by Kristi and The Story Siren.

This week as you already know since I've read it and my review is up, I won a copy of Wait for Dusk by Jocelynn Drake! See my review here.

Then today since I had a great coupon from Borders, I bought Jennifer Lynn Barnes' Raised by Wolves because a few of my friends online told me it was a good read! Can't wait to get to it!

And that was it. Not much, but as I said my TBR pile is pretty high right now and there's still 4 more books that come out on Tuesday that I have to buy!

So what did you get this week?