Feared even by her own kind for her mastery of fire, the nightwalker Mira is summoned by the coven to take her rightful place as Elder. But with this honor comes grave responsibility--a commitment to the annihilation of the unleashed naturi. For now the foul creatures walk the earth--and neither vampire nor human will survive their horrific onslaught.
A tide of blood is sweeping relentlessly across the European continent, as Mira is dispatched to Budapest for the most devastating test yet of her astonishing powers--and falls into a well-laid trap. With the dark secrets that haunt her growing darker by the hour, she must confront the terrible truth of her past and protect her fragile sanity in the face of unanticipated treachery--a betrayal by her trusted ally, her beloved enemy, the vampire slayer Danaus.
I had made my WoW post ahead of time and set it to post early and all that happened before I won the contest for Wait for Dusk, so that's why it's still there. I just didn't think to remove it until I saw it now and thought why bother. There are still 2 other books on that post that I'm waiting on!
Speaking of wow, that's what Wait for Dusk was, just wow! I was pleased to see that it immediately--IMMEDIATELY picks up where we left off in Pray for Dawn and are once in the mind of Mira as she is our narrator.
Even though the events happen in the beginning I won't go on to explain, other than that you can be assured that the answer comes in Chapter 1.
Also there is a little further digging into Mira's past that gets revealed, but that's all I will say.
Moving on, after Mira and Danaus wrap up a few things in Savannah, they are off to Budapest with Stefan and Valerio in tow to take care of the naturi matters. But something isn't right about all this. As the BOC describes. Mira can't have a mission that doesn't go haywire!
There was a lot of chaos in the novel, the problem that was supposed to be so minor expands into something more which leads to treachery and lies as well.
The book was really good. GREAT even! It really had me turning the pages, which with the past few days left it hard for me to get my reading in, but I managed. The plot was well paced and filled with enough action to keep you going.
The characters, both new and old, were engaging. A lot of the new ones that were just secondary characters were really colorful "people" and despite their tendencies they were quite pleasurable. Budapest was in disarray. There ruling system by the supernaturals wasn't concrete which led to the problems with the naturi, but then BIGGER problems occurred.
The romance in the book, well you can probably guess with the cover. But I won't get into really. You'll have to wait and see if the cover is anything to go by.
There were quite a few surprises along the way as well. Certain encounters that occurred that were interesting. One before Mira leaves Savannah, one particular one while in Budapest, and of course the ending was epic! Don't want to get too book report like, but the encounters Mira has were definitely of interest and as I said the ending, brilliant!
I can't wait for the next Dark Days novel, and thankfully there wasn't a cliffhanger like the one from Pray for Dawn. Just your usual...what will happen next? What will happen next? Guess we'll have to wait til next year!
Now I'm going to go back and read Almost to Die For, for that one was just getting good at the time I stopped. Til next time!