Jul 1, 2016

COVER COPY REVEALS--Maria V. Snyder & Rachel Vincent!!

OMG! OMG! The cover reveals are non stop! I thought there was one more I wanted to share, but for the life of me I couldn't remember! But anyway, I did remember these two! And they're from two of my most favorite authors ever!!!

First up, is Maria V. Snyder's Dawn Study! The third and final book in her second Study trilogy! Yeah, confusing, but basically she has two Study trilogies. This is the second one, and Dawn is the third book of it! Check out the cover!

New York Times bestselling author Maria V. Snyder brings her Poison Study series to its exhilarating conclusion

Despite the odds, Yelena and Valek have forged an irrevocable bondand a familythat transcends borders. Now, when their two homelands stand on the brink of war, they must fight with magic and cunning to thwart an Ixian plot to invade Sitia.

Yelena seeks to break the hold of the insidious Theobroma that destroys a person's resistance to magical persuasion. But the Cartel is determined to keep influential citizens and Sitian diplomats in thralland Yelena at bay. With every bounty hunter after her, Yelena is forced to make a dangerous deal.

With might and magic, Valek peels back the layers of betrayal surrounding the Commander. At its rotten core lies a powerful magicianand his latest discovery. The fate of all rests upon two unlikely weapons. One may turn the tide. The other could spell the end of everything.

It's so awesome! And don't let the red cape throw you off. This is NOT a fairy tale retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. Guess the publisher went with red because of dawn and all! This is one of my all time favorite series!! I highly recommend it! Though you'll need to read them in order! You don't have to read the first trilogy in order to read this one, but it does help! Of course, I say that about all my series! LOL!

Dawn Study releases January 31, 2017

In this pulse-pounding new trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent, a decadent spring break getaway on an exotic beach becomes a terrifying survival story when six Miami teens are kidnapped and ransomed.

Maddie is beyond done with her cousin Genesis’s entitled and shallow entourage. Genesis is so over Miami’s predictable social scene with its velvet ropes, petty power plays, and backstabbing boyfriends.

While Maddie craves family time for spring break, Genesis seeks novelty—like a last-minute getaway to an untouched beach in Colombia. And when Genesis wants something, it happens.

But paradise has its price. Dragged from their tents under the cover of dark, Genesis, Maddie, and their friends are kidnapped and held for ransom deep inside the jungle—with no diva left behind. It all feels so random to everyone except Genesis. She knows they were targeted for a reason. And that reason is her.

Now, as the hours count down, only one thing’s for certain: If the Miami hostages can’t set aside their personal problems, no one will make it out alive.

Soooo excited for this one too! Naturally! Rachel Vincent's been a favorite author of mine ever since I read Stray way back when, when it first released! I've read all of Rachel's books and loved every single one of them!! So yeah, a new series from her, that sounds thriller like to boot, and I am totally on board!!

100 Hours releases March 28, 2017