Jul 10, 2016

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

Well, I'm still MIA but figured I'd post what books I got this week prior to leaving. I won't know what came Saturday as I tend to do my STS posts on a Sunday-Saturday hauling basis! But here's what I did get:

Demon's Vengeance by Jocelynn Drake--yeah, I had these in their ebook format, but seeing the gorgeous cover for the compilation of all 3 novellas mashed into one book...I had to buy it! Plus coupon!
A Toxic Trousseau by Juliet Blackwell--so behind in this series again!
This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab--one I might wait to read until next year as its a duology and it's become my thing to wait to read duologies until they're complete! LOL!
The Merciless II by Danielle Vega--was super excited to see that this one got a sequel! Can't wait to read it!

Then I won a Goodreads giveaway! Was soo excited too! I think it might be the second or third one I've ever won in all my years on Goodreads. Which I think was in 2010!

The Sight by Chloe Neill (ARC)--sadly the book got a little bent and damaged due to mail travel, but it's still bound together! That's the important part! Plus, I adore Chloe's books so it was always a given that I'd buy a keeper copy anyway! LOL!


And finally, I spent too much on my credit card again and received another one of these:

a B&N giftcard! The best part about going into debt is having plenty to read! LOL! Though really, I'm not in debt, just spending too much apparently over the course of time!

And that was what I got this week...prior to leaving for Florida! I'll see you all next week!