I had quite a good week! Got me some nice new reads...my TBR pile is still crazy. My reading queue is still out of whack and I am struggling to keep up, but still happily reading my books at whatever pace/rate I'm at! LOL!
Here's what I got:
The Orange Cat by Kelley Armstrong--a freebie I got for having preordered her next Cainsville book!
Morrighan by Mary E. Pearson
Invincible by Dawn Metcalf
A Grave Prediction by Victoria Laurie
Scooby Doo Apocalypse #3 by Keith Griffin, J.M. DeMatteis & Ill. by Howard Porter
Amber Smoke by Kristin Cast
Scarlet Rain by Kristin Cast
THANK YOU Diversion Books!
Books for review:
Glitter by Aprilynne Pike (ARC)
Fear the Drowning Deep by Sarah Glenn Marsh (ARC)
Day Zero by Kresley Cole (Early Copy)
The Sight by Chloe Neill (Early Copy)
THANK YOU Random House, Sky Pony Press, Valkyrie Press, NAL Trade, Netgalley, & Edelweiss!!
And then I received my final OTSPSecretSister gift from Andrea at The Overstuffed Bookcase!!
Animal Crackers
Library Socks
the gorgeous copy of Dracula
and some temporary tattoos!
THANK YOU Andrea!! I so enjoyed your gifts over the months!