JESS: How does it feel to be ending your first series? Besides the feeling of sadness for leaving familiar characters, do you feel it's necessary as some other authors have when they ended their own series?
JOCELYNN: I’m definitely sad to be closing the book on the series. I’ve known Mira & Co. for several years. They’ve been in my thoughts for so long that I feel as if they are my family and it’s hard to say good-bye to them. Every once in a while, I still think of something that I didn’t have time to accomplish with them or a character that I wish I had had a chance to spend more time with. I think that’s part of the danger of creating such a big, detailed world. There just isn’t enough time for everything.
But in the end, I think it was time to bring it all to a close. I had started the series to tell Mira’s story as she battled the demons from her past that were threatening to eclipse her future. I got the chance to see both her and Danaus grow into wonderful people and what parent couldn’t be more proud of that?
JESS: There has been a lot of tension growing between Mira and Jarbari throughout the series, so is there going to be a big fight, so to speak, between them?
JESS: In 5 words how would you describe your Dark Days series overall?
JOCELYNN: Dark, Dangerous, Deadly, Devious, and Delicious.
JESS: Would you ever consider writing a YA series alongside your adult one? Why or why not?
However, I recently turned it on its head and wondered what I would say in a book if I were writing to my children (not that I have any, but I do have an over-active imagination which helps). I’ve gotten stronger, more positive feelings that way, so I’m not totally ready to close the door on YA yet. It just might be a while.
JESS: When not writing or working, what do you like to do in your free time?
JOCELYNN: I love to read, play video games, and watch movies. (As you can see, I don’t get out of the house much.) I also visit with my family frequently as they live close to me.
JESS: What's your next project going to be about?
JESS: What books are you currently reading or read last?
JOCELYNN: The last books I’ve read recently include: “Eat Prey Love”, “The Undead Next Door”, and “How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire” by Kerrelyn Sparks, as well as “Vampire Interrupted” by Lynsay Sands. I also fell in love with “Sins of the Heart” by Eve Silver. I have been searching for some lighter reading while still in the paranormal genre as it helps to keep my mood up. When I read dark, I tend to write dark, and I’m trying to keep my new series lighter than the Dark Days series.
JESS: What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you at a conference or signing? (if you care to share!)
JOCELYNN: Does sounding like a babbling idiot while surrounded by awesome writers on a panel count? No, I don’t think I sounded like an idiot, but I’m always afraid of making a fool of myself in front of a crowd. Give me time, I’m sure I will eventually. I’m not always good about censoring what I say.
Anywhoo… I’m always embarrassed when I misspell someone’s name when I’m signing books. I have spent my entire life correcting people when they say or spell my name incorrectly so I am very conscience of it when I misspell someone else’s name.
Contest is open now through Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 11:59 PM (CST) winner will be announced Sunday the 26th.
To enter leave a comment with your email address and tell me how you first found out about Jocelynn's books, or if you haven't started them yet, what led you to want to read them?
**Also just wanted to let everyone know that I will be out of town this weekend and into next week. I might not be around in the blogging world for a few days, but I will absolutely try to get the winner picked and emailed. Should be able to squeeze that much in!