Raced to finish Crave yesterday to start Chicks Kick Butt so that by the time this came up on the blog I would actually be reading the book the teaser comes from!
Here are the rules:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
"David, though, wasn't having any nonsense. He Smiled. It wasn't a pretty smile, and it reminded me that as much as I adored him, as much as he was all the good things that a Djinn could be, he had a dark streak. They all did. And his wasn't small, just deeply buried and tightly leashed. 'Don't push me,' he said. 'Or I'll break you. For good.'" p 19, Shine by Rachel Caine