Meena Harper is familiar with the supernatural. After all, she knows how you're going to die. (Not that you're going to believe her. No one ever does.)
But not even Meena's precognition can prepare her for Lucien Antonescu--whom she meets and then makes the mistake of falling in love with--modern-day prince with a bit of a dark side for which an ancient society of vampire hunters would prefer to see him dead.
The problem is Lucien's already dead. Maybe that's why he's the first guy Meena's ever met with whom she could imagine herself having a future. See, while Meena's always been able to see everyone else's destiny, she's never been able to look into her own. Lucien seems to be everything Meena has ever dreamed of in a boyfriend, though he might turn out to be more of a nightmare.
Meg Cabot's Insatiable was quite the interesting read. I don't know if you want to call it Urban Fantasy though, since Meena isn't necessarily our regular UF heroine. She's more normal...except that she can see when people are about to die. Not the best psychic gift to have.
And when she meets Lucien and she doesn't see his death she assumes it mean he won't be dying anytime soon. Plus there was an immediate attraction to one another with these two. The romance wasn't hot and steamy either, like you might expect from UF or PNR. It was sedate, calm, yet still intense.
There's quite a bit of a storyline going on. Girls are turning up dead and it's suspected that it's a vampire's doing, yet vampires don't exist. And like the BOC says, Meena is sick of vampires. But then her world gets turned upside down as you can imagine. Vampires...a group of vampire hunters straight from the Vatican. Don't they always come from there? :)
But still it was a decent read. Kind of a calm sort of action, although the fate of humanity does lie in the balance!! ;)
Anyway...I had heard that not everyone liked this one, that it was sort of chick-lit and I guess in a way it was. I mean it's not even sold in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section, but in regular Fiction. But still the plot elements and characters were all very good. Meena was a fun heroine who literally detested vamps, especially when her show wanted to go in that direction to gain a "younger" audience.
There were a few vamp puns here and there. Definitely some sparkle comments, that made me laugh out loud! Also the fact that Meena's bro was named Jonathan, nickname Jon. And the last name Harper! Sound like Harker?! I enjoyed seeing these little Dracula references in small light. It was kind of funny.
The vampire hunter, Alaric (just like another vampire hunter we know from a TV show!) Wulf, was a snarky male lead. Kind of arrogant, but I loved his and Meena's interactions. Meena didn't take his attitude with stride like most women. She did the opposite of what he expected. Definitely can't wait to see what other Shenanigans--which was a restaurant in the book and is actually a real restaurant, I had thought it was just a fake one from Waiting starring Ryan Reynolds--these two get into together!
So this is definitely more a light-hearted UF kind of book. Or as I dubbed it in my Teaser, Paranormal Fiction--kind of a bland name, but hey it works since there's not a real "urban" setting. The setting is modern day NYC but Meena's life is pretty sedate, until she meets Lucien of course. Who happens to redefine the terms "family problems".
Overall rating 4/5 stars--like I said a pretty good read that I enjoyed more than I expected. And I definitely will be getting Overbite once it releases instead of waiting for the PB!