Dec 25, 2011

In My Mailbox--Christmas Edition!

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post hosted by Kirsti over at The Story Siren and inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie.
Before the holidays this week I got:

One Bite With a Stranger by Christine Warren
Big Bad Wolf by Christine Warren
Black Magic Woman by Christine Warren
Vampire Academy the Ultimate Guide by Michelle Rowen with Richelle Mead*
a super cool bookmark that says: I <3 Real Books

*This one took me forever to find! It released Thursday and no B&N had it! Ended up fining it and the SUPER COOL bookmark at an indie shop that was sorta nearby--kind of a drive, but still! Felt great for being able to support one finally!

From Hachette Books via Netgalley I got for review:

Firelight by Kristen Callihan (e-ARC)

Then in a contest I won at the Supernatural Underground, I got a SIGNED copy of: 

Thanks again, Amanda!

In the mail and Christmas related I got a card from Jeanne Stein along with a magnetic calendar! Thanks Jeanne!

Then from good ol' Santa I got:

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Destined by Jessie Harrell
The Name of the Star by Maurren Johnson
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams

So basically everything I had on my list--book related! I also got a few more gift cards to B&N from a few people as well! It was a good Christmas!

Then not book related necessarily but still freaking awesome I got this:

The new iPod nano!! I actually had the first generation iPod nano but there was a recall with it--can't really remember what, but anyway when I sent it in, this is what I got in return!!

Sure my old one was awesome and even had an inscription on the back from when I got in Xmas 2005, but this is the latest one! And I was able to get my music back on it easy peasy!

Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday and gets lots of goodies from dear old Santa Claus!