Dec 1, 2011

Random Thursday

Okay today I have a mini rant to get off my chest. And it's about e-books vs. physical books. Which do you prefer? The big question for readers. And for me the answer is always physical books. 

Yes, it's not environmentally friendly. But it's one vice that I indulge in and don't plan on giving it up. And for the main reason is that e-books and physical books, such as Mass Market Paperbacks are the exact same price. That bugs me. Hardcovers and some trade paperbacks--the ones that go for $15 at least--can be discounted a bit at Amazon. 

Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but it still costs $8 to get a mass market paperback whether it's a Kindle book or the physical book. Except that I can get some discount off the physical book. Granted it's never as good as I would get at Borders, Barnes and Nobles gives me the occasional 15% off coupon and if the author is popular enough I can get it 25% off at Target or Walmart.

But I was wondering, does it bug anyone else that e-books and physical mass market paperbacks--and usually YA trade paperbacks that are $10--are the same price? I mean, shouldn't the e-book be a little cheaper? It is with hardcovers and adult trade paperbacks. It bothers me. I mean the Kindle wasn't cheap when I bought it, had I know that nearly 1 year later the Kindle was going to be updated and this version would go wayyy down, I might have waited, of course I did get mine as a gift. But still. Why do Kindle books have to be the same price as physical books?

Sure there's no tax or shipping charge, but still it bugs me. For the extra dollar or two that I lose in the venue I can get the feel and smell of a good book. And plus have something for an author to sign when I stalk them I see them.