Jan 28, 2014

Cover Copy Reveal--Enslaved by the Others

Vampires, werewolves, magi and worse--the Others have joined the mortal world, and there's no turning back now... 

As a New York P.I. and Other specialist, Shiarra Waynest has been in plenty of trouble before. But waking up in a windowless room the prisoner of a vampire slave trader is a shock for anyone. Shia has her wits, her bravado, and a couple of used staples, so maybe she can take on a mansion full of serious evil. 

But although she's desperate to escape, Shia needs some answers too. Her friends are in danger. There are betrayers and spies among them. And even if she can figure out what's going on and somehow get a message out, she's still a captive of the worst kind... 

Here's the cover for the next H&W Investigations novel! I like it! It's not a final cover yet, so if there's some changes to come, don't be surprised, as Jess said. I like this new look Shiarra has going for her. The first few covers were okay, but it's these latest ones that really wow me! Although, Shiarra doesn't really dress like this, but then again, when does a cover actually depict our heroine in her real clothes? Maybe 50% of the time, but not always!

Enslaved by the Others releases July 1, 2014

1 comment:

  1. This cover is badass-I love it! I don't know this series but I went to look up the older covers and Goodreads and definitely agree this is the best one yet.


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