It's January 23! Do you know what that means? You're probably thinking I have no idea!
It means there's only 110 days left to RT 2014 in NOLA! I am so excited for this one and feeling a little bit forlorn too. It's probably my last RT for awhile, a year or two at least. They are so pricy, but so much fun! I love being able to meet authors, especially since last year there was not one author visit for me.
I had missed an impromptu one from a few authors since the actual event was cancelled. Still devastated over that one!
I've already planned out some of my itinerary, choosing from the many panels that are going on throughout the day. Might be doing a lot of panel hopping!
Also, check out the cool bag Sylvia Day created this year! Every year she creates a bag for convention attendees and this year it has wheels!
You can probably expect to see a post like this once a month for awhile as I cannot wait to see NOLA! I plan on going early and doing a very quick sightseeing escapade! There's even more events going on early this year instead of everything starting on the Wednesday!
If anyone else is attending let me know! I'd love to catch up/meet with some bloggers while I'm there!