Nov 5, 2015

Random Thursday

We'll take a brief interlude from That's a Fact Jack: A Collection of Utterly Useless Information [Updated] as I found a totally awesome Disney Factoid from my Disney Days Desk Calendar that I just had to share!! This was a new to me piece of info, so I wanted to spread the knowledge!

"Walt Disney once described the Wicked Queen as a 'mixture of Lady Macbeth and the Big Bad Wolf'."

This I did not know and just oh wow! She was pretty friggin creepy! I remember when I was little and Disney World used to have the ride at the park, there was a sign out front warning parents that the ride might be TOO SCARY for small children! And since I last rode that one over 20 years ago since it closed sometime afterwards, I can say it was kinda creepy! Initially Snow White was NEVER in the ride! And it was called: SNOW WHITE'S ADVENTURE...or something like that! I think when I rode it the last time when I was like 5ish Snow White finally made an appearance at the end when her beloved prince awakened her with true love's kiss! So there's a two-parter Disney Factoid for you! ;)