May 10, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #305


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Are there any books with themes or characters dealing with issues to mental health that you have found to be enlightening or comforting? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Every now and then I can recall a character having some sort of disorder. Sometimes it's health related i.e. more relating to the body than mental health. But I suppose you could consider this one mental health.
Tricia Levenseller's Blade of Secrets dealt with a character who had social anxiety. I mean, I don't know if this necessarily fits in with mental health exactly. But in the way that Levenseller wrote Ziva, I felt seen!
Ziva was a young woman who over thought things to a great extent. She wasn't good with "socializing" and neither am I. Sometimes when I talk to people, I am mentally panicking when they don't respond right away. Like something I said was weird or outrageous, or good gracious, offensive--which wasn't at all what I going for! I mean we are talking me regretting almost every word I utter because it was somehow the wrong thing to say. Even if it was to answer: what was your favorite book?
Ziva, over analyzed herself as well when talking with people, so she tried not to. Until Kellyn comes to her wanting a perfect blade made and let's just say...things happen! Lol. But as she tried to talk to him, it didn't go well in the beginning, yet Kellyn was a perfectly beautiful human being and didn't take any offense and even tried to help her with her anxieties.
So this duology has always meant a lot to me because of that! Usually you get the perfect heroine who knows exactly what to say and doesn't suffer from overt shyness. I can be a bit like that too with people I know, but with new people, with strangers I am totally anxious and never sure how much of myself to be. 
So there you have it! 

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